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  I gave up on the oneshot I was going to do. It was AWFULLY written. Well, now, I'm still accepting requests!
"Person A and person B are at a convention and person A runs into a old guy friend and they used to/maybe had a thing so person B gets jealous!" Thank you for the request, chum!

Being cooped up in the car for a couple of hours made you feel happy to walk around outside, one of your not so favorable hobbies. Matt walked around the car and pulled you into an embrace. "This it is, Y/N. Vidcon! We should head inside before the mob gets too large." The theorist's lips tugged into a smile, while he patted you on the arm.

"Alright, let's go on in, then." Pulling Matt in tow, you ran to the front door out of glee. This was going to be fun! After all, you rarely went to conventions. The staff checked you two in, and told you to settle in before Matt's panel at 1 PM. "We have a busy day, don't we? Man, the life of a youtuber is hard sometimes."

blugh, time skip!

After the panel was over, you and Matt felt like doing some walking around and meeting fans. When Matt left the panel area, he immediately got swamped by fans of various genders, age and height. "Matt, I'll be in the bathroom!" You called over the swarm of fanboys and girls.

When you made your way to the bathroom on the other side of the building, you sighed in relief to atleast be away from a massive crowd of people. Before you could enter to go splash cold water on your face, a finger tapped on your shoulder. "Oh.. hey! Hey, hey.. hi." A tall male with jet black hair and blue eyes waved at you when you turned around. "Hey. ..have we met before?" Your curiosity was piqued, since you remember seeing said eyes before.

"Yeah, remember me? We were dating in high school. I heard you're settled in with someone now." Your ex, whom you remembered to be named Hunter, chuckled. "Uh, yeah.. I am. How have you been?" This conversation felt awkward. "So, who's the lucky guy?" He rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks a light light pink.

"It's me." A voice from behind you said, pulling you into a side embrace. "Matt! How'd it go with the fans?" You asked, trying to pick for an escape from this conversation. "It's this guy? Oh.. I see." Hunter said, disappointment etched across his face. "Yeah, it's this guy. And Y/NN, that doesn't matter right now."

The theorist leaned his head onto yours, in an obvious attempt to persuade Hunter that he would never be able to win you over. "W-well... it was nice talking to you, Hunter. I'll.. I'll see you around, I guess." You shrugged, with Matt quickly pulling you away. "That was awkward." You stated, with Matt agreeing.

"Awkward indeed."  

Matpat x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now