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y/n finds out she's pregnant. Thank you for requesting, mystery lovely!


Excessive drinking the night before really helped with my sleep, you thought as you woke up. A sudden hangover hit you and you were struck with nausea and a pounding, head-splitting headache. You pulled yourself into a sitting position.. and you were naked. You never slept naked. You decided to turn around, and you saw a sleeping lump next to you. It was that guy you met at the bar a few months back, and you two started dating two months ago. His name was Matthew.

You looked at his bare back, and his neck along with his shoulders. There were deep, purple hickeys and light purple love bites dotted here and there. Being the curious one, you got up and looked at your neck and shoulders in your bedroom mirror.. they were dotted with them, too. While you were up, you decided you would put on your clothes and make yourself breakfast while trying to remember the night before.

'I had a couple of bottles, and we came home by a cab..,' you thought as you sat down the bacon on the pan and let it sizzle. We then talked a bit in the living room and things escalated, if I'm right..? Filling the coffee pot with water, you sat it down and changed the filter and added the coffee grounds. He then carried me to the bed, pinned me down and.. took.. my v-card...without protection. You put the coffee pot in, and started making the batter for pancakes.

It was an amazing night, and he was so good in bed. But, I hope I'm not pregnant.. Sighing to yourself, you flipped the pancakes and ran your fingers across the hickies you got from the night before. Matthew came up from behind, turned your face around, then kissed you on the lips. "Good morning, y/n, it seems you enjoyed the night before." He chuckled.

Time Skip

It was three weeks since the incident, and you've already missed your period. You told Y/B/N about this, and she was excited. The conversation on the phone went like this:
y/n: So apparently I lost my shining green card three weeks back to Matt.. and I could use some help.
Y/B/N: Oh my god, I'm so proud for you-- With what, Y/NN?
Y: I'm too tired to get up, could you buy me a test at the store?
BF: Sure, sure, I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

Time Skip again. wow. so much.

Y/B/N came back from the store and gave you the box of pregnancy tests, and shoved you into the bathroom. "I'll be out here if you need help, Y/NN." She grinned and close the door. Matt had already moved in with you two weeks back, and he was out with a friend at a sports game. You took the test, and it came up positive. You really, really, wanted to be sure.. so you took two more and they came up positive. You began to cry tears of both mixed happiness and sadness, but you were mainly happy. Y/B/N came in and wrapped her arms around you as you happily cried.

You two lounged around for two hours and baked an announcement cake for Matt along with a bottle of diet coke. He pulled into the driveway and made his way up the apartment steps. Y/B/N grabbed the cake and dragged you to the door. Matt opened it, and saw the cake. "y/n... you're pregnant?" You nodded yes, hoping that he wasn't angry. The theorist gasped, then grinned. He dropped the bag that he was holding and ran over to hug you and run his hand across your stomach. "I love you and I always will, y/n."

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