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y/n's child comes out. Thank you for requesting, lovely reader! Another thanks for two requests in a row. :))
Also, this is a follow-up oneshot to #12. Also, I'll be writing smut soon. HAhahaah a--

C/N: child's name -- edit done on 6/21/16 b/c why not


You were sound alseep, Matt curled up against you. Waking up, you felt strong cramps.. and a moistness between your legs and on the bed. The first thing came to mind was that you wet the bed until the cramp came again. The theorist stirred as you panicked, and he nuzzled his face into the pillow. Getting up, you changed your pants and called 911. "Hey... uh.. I think I'm giving birth." You whispered, after the operator picked up. You gave her info and waddled back to bed.

"Hey, hey. Matt, honey. Wake up." You shook him, with Matt groggily waking up. "Wh..what is it, y/n? It's two am." He rolled onto his back and groaned. "Why is it so wet? Did you wet the bed?" The tired man rubbed his eyes, while you clutched over with another contraction. "Matt.. matt.." you breathed. "I'm in labor.." He shot up, and grabbed your hands.

"I-I called 911... they should be here soon..let me sit down in the living room." You waddled over to the living room where Matt helped you sit down. "I've never been in so much pain before." You groaned, as it felt like someone ripped out your uterus every second you moved. "Y/NN, are you ok? Do you need anything?" Thinking to yourself and fiddling with your ring when your stomach grumbled. "Yeah, I-I could go for breakfast." The theorist chuckled, and left the room.

After you two quickly ate cereal, the paramedics arrived and hauled you into the ambulance. "It's ok, y/n. Everything will be ok." Matt rubbed your hand while the car drove to the ER. "It's ok, deep breaths. There's no pain, no doctors. Only me." His chocolate brown eyes observed yours, and he grinned.

Timeskip because author never had a baby before and doesn't know what she's doing //sob

Hours of exhausting labor. Moments of hoping the C-Section would end already. Seconds until the baby was placed into your arms. It was a boy. He looked so innocent, a small pale yellow baby cap and blanket on him. "Matt... look at him.. he's beautiful." From the names you guys already picked, you named him C/N Patrick. Your child... this innocent bundle of joy.. was going to be fun to care for.

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