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AN: Hey hey hey, guys. I'm open for requests in the comments!
Imagine your OTP cuddling on the couch while a massive blizzard rages on outside.
You know the routine, it's imagineyourotp over at tumblr.

It was rare for a blizzard to happen in California, and apparently you two were lucky. The blizzard happened on the day before Christmas Eve, with snow already accumuling two feet in height, leaving you and your fiancé stranded inside. Luckily, you two had food. The electric lines were down, but the apartment you two lived in was running on the back-up generator. Since it was cold inside and outside, you had no choice but to turn on the space heater and unplug something.

It wasn't a hard choice on what to unplug, you had to unplug your laptop charger. Matt was busy working on a Game Theory for his channel, and you didn't want to bother him. Being ever so cold, you decided to take a blanket and go make two hot chocolates. One for you, and one for Matt. You slung the blanket around your shoulders and headed into the kitchen, which was directly attached to the living room.

The process of making hot chocolate was easy, all you had to do was grab the instant Swiss Miss marshmellow hot chocolate packets and milk. You took out two simple, red mugs and filled them a little over half-way with milk. Setting the microwave for a minute and thirty seconds, you put them in and waited. The room was quiet, the only sound being the humming of the space heater and the tv playing 80's songs on a low volume. It was nice, the only source of light being a few desk and faint table lamps, making the room look dim. The milk finally finished, so you poured in the packets and stirred them in the milk.

Taking a sip of hot chocolate, you decided to spice things up and see if you had any whipped cream and marshmellows, and surprisingly, you did. You shook up the can and sprayed on the whipped cream, while sprinkling on the marshmellows. You picked up the mugs and brought them into the living room, only to find Matt on the couch. "Hey, y/n, you cold? And thanks for the hot chocolate." He grinned, inviting you to cuddle. "Yeah, I'm pretty cold, and I can most likely say the same for you, MatPat." You two curled up in the blankets with your hot chocolate, reviewing old memories from earlier on in the relationship, giggling and watching the snow fall heavily.

It was a nice night.

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