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y/n and MatPat break up, but something serious happens to one of them and they realize that they need each other. Thank you for requesting, you sweet MFD!! A little feels smasher, are you? Also, like, thank you so much for the requests! :33 I'm sorry the story is slow. I had to do a little of research for this, and yes, this chapter is in both POVS (you and Matt), as I'm practicing POV. Also, you're all cool. Onto the story!
e/c: eye color
Sitting on your bed, no, sitting doesn't fit it. You were curled up on your bed, lights off, and the only thing you heard was the Game Theory theme on loop. Sadly, you two broke up and Matt was your happiness. A knock came at the door, and you quickly threw on a decent shirt and pajama pants, making your leave down into the hallway and to the door of your apartment. Infront of the door was Matt, looking all casual and everything.

"Oh, uh, hey. Come on in." You gestured into the hallway as you opened the door. The theorist shushed you softly. "Hey, go get dressed. You'll see why." Being the curious person you are, you raised an eyebrow and left.

After throwing on a Random Encounters tee and some pants, you then met with your ex in the kitchen. He looked good, brown jacket on, hair did the usual way and those pointed shoes that you couldn't help but chuckle at every time. He frowned, seeing you trying to stifle a small giggle after seeing his shoes. "I know you like to giggle when you see them, y/n, now come on. I got a surprise for you."

You two got into his car, and began driving onto the road. It was late, a little after 11 pm. The drunk drivers in the nearby big city were going to be a bit of a hassle, you thought.. but that train of thought crashed. Literally.

The car that came out of no where, not following any of the traffic laws, and swerving slammed right into Matt's left front blinker. You remember the car getting hit by the car that was cruising at nearly 100 mph, and throwing you two off the road and flipping over. However, you were strapped into the car, unconscious and bloody.

Matt's POV

It was the day before y/n's birthday and I was going to take her out for a drink. However, there was a change in the plans. As I went down the street that was close to the bar we frequented, a car swerved into the front and all I saw was blackness. I woke up for a very short time. My legs were under the car.. and I couldn't feel them. I couldn't breathe. It was awful.. my arms ached like hell and my head pounded. I hope y/n is doing ok, though. Everything then faded to black and I lost control.

Your POV

You woke up on a stretcher leaving an ambulance.. and into a hospital. EMTs were surrounding you, asking you questions and seeing if you were paralyzed. Responding with a dry throat, ".. I'm fine.." A wave of paranoia flood through you. Where was Matt?! Is he alive? "Can I see Matt?" You tried not to begin crying, as your anxiety got worse. A nurse rubbed a good spot in your arm and said everything was going to be alright.

However, you didn't believe her. Your legs were fine. You got bandaged up. Moving yourself into a sitting position, you got up, using the IV stand as a cane as you shuffled in the hallways. Scanning through emergency rooms, you finally found a chart that said, "Patrick, Matthew." You rushed in, but all you saw was a mess. The theorist was pale and he was hooked up to a bloodbag just like you and some other stuff. A doctor patted your back softly and said, "Your friend wanted me to tell you something on the ambulance. Looking up at me, he said this before he passed out again.."

"I'm sorry, y/n, I love you. I.. I wasn't thinking. I thought you weren't happy. I love you. I love you. I really, really do. I just want to be 'us' again."

Hearing those words, you shuffled to Matt's bedside and held his weak hand. "I love you, I love you, I'm sorry too. I'm really really sorry." A stir and a mumble was heard from the theorist as his oxygen mask fogged up. His chocolate brown eyes shifted to look in your e/c ones. He removed the mask, and whispered. "y/n, I'm sorry. I can't move my legs anymore." You forced him to put the mask back on, and replied. "I forgive you.. just.. it's not your fault. I'll still love you even if you're paralyzed."

"Hey, y/n.. will you stay with me forever?"
"Forever and ever, Matt. I'll never leave your side. Promise."

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