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""Imagine Person B of your OTP is in the hospital. They have a horrible fever, and spend most of their time asleep. In the middle of the night, they wake up to find Person A seated next to them, holding their hand. Person B is over joyed, as they haven't seen Person A in what feels like forever. Person A helps Person B back to sleep..." Thank you, lovely requester!
Before we get on with the story, I would love to thank this lovely friend of mine, Atom Kat! They are a great writer, and helped me write this chapter.
Now, on with the story!

     Having a fever is awful, and everyone knows that. Especially Y/N. Upon opening their eyes, a clean and tidy, white ceiling greeted them. The stark white of the ceiling panels made their eyes hurt, and they tried to cover their face with their arm. Bad move, due to tubes connected to an I/V bag holding their arm back. Y/N decided to pull themselves into a sitting position, and observe the room. There was a dark brown mahogany door in one corner, two pale blue chairs, and a pole with a bag. There was also a calendar on the wall next to them. Tubes connected Y/N's arm to the bag, all tangled in eachother's presence. 

   Upon observing the calendar on the wall on closer inspection, Y/N shook their head. Their fever hadn't broken and it had been... they couldn't remember how long it had been. It was miserable, overheating like it was summer all over again. Their skin felt cold, but they felt like they were on fire on the inside. They blinked and decided to inspect the IV in their arm. The bag, which was filled with a clear liquid, was nearly half empty. It was most likely fluids to keep them from becoming dehydrated. Looking at the needle in the crook of their arm, their skin began to crawl, and they looked away. The thought of a nurse inserting a needle into their arm brought back a nightmare, and they shuddered, blood running cold. 

      Looking around the room one more time, Y/N saw a figure hunched over and reading something while sitting in one of the blue chairs. The messy mop of brown hair, constantly twitching nose, everything about this figure felt like home, and Y/N knew exactly who it was. "Matt." They smiled, and the figure looked up, a smile tugging at his lips. Y/N was so happy to see him. They were glad that Matt, their loved one, waited for them by their bedside. "How are you feeling?" Matt asked with a tired voice, closing the magazine he was reading. "Better, I think." They laughed, and Matt gave a soft smile. "At least I don't feel like I'm on the sun anymore." Their throat felt a tad bit sore, but it was probably from being sick. 

     Matt stood up, and went over to Y/N. He crouched by Y/N's bed, and took hold of their hand. "That's definitely better." The corners of his eyes crinkled, and Y/N felt a smile creep across their face. Matt looked tired though, bags under his eyes, his hair disheveled, but they guessed that's what a hospital did to someone. They doubted they looked any better, but Matt still had this charm about him, even when he looked sleep deprived. "How long were you waiting for me to wake up?" Y/N asked, yawning. Matt chuckled quietly. "It's cute when you yawn." He broke into a soft smile, rubbing the top of Y/N's hand with his thumb. "I was waiting for a good amount of time for you to wake up." He ran a hand through his fluffy and yet, messy hair. "Thank you." Y/N replied, voice hoarse. 

     Matt smiled softly. "Are you still tired?" He asked softly, and Y/N nodded slightly. "If you're tired, you should sleep, Y/N." He whispered, trying not to give Y/N a headache before they fell asleep. "I don't want to sleep, I want to stay up and be with you." They frowned, voice soft, quiet and small like a child's. "You need your sleep, if you want to get better." Matt chuckled, and shook his head, his thumb still absentmindedly going over the back of Y/N's hand. They stuck out their bottom lip, but they knew Matt had a point. "Plus, you sound pretty tired." He was also right on that one, but they just didn't want to fall asleep. 

      "Will you sleep if I crawl into the bed with you?" He asked, curious. Y/N's face lit up like a christmas tree, and Matt let out another soft chuckle. "I'll gladly take a big grin on your face for a yes." He stood up, releasing Y/N's hand, and headed over to the other side of the bed. He crawled in, hugging and holding Y/N close to him. 

     "Matt?" They spoke softly, and got a soft 'Hmm' as a response. "I love you." They smiled, and they felt Matt's arms go around them slightly tighter. "I love you too, Y/NN." He spoke softly. Y/N felt their eyelids get heavier, the warmth from Matt's body making them tired. "Goodnight, Y/N." He whispered, as Y/N began to fall asleep. 

    The next morning arrived, and Y/N blinked a couple of times. They felt cold, strangely cold, and alone. Y/N rubbed their eyes using their balled up hands, then weakly whispered, "Hey, Matt. Good morning." They were greeted to silence, save for the beeping of their heart rate machine. 

        Raising an eyebrow, they shifted to look where Matt was lying, and found nothing but empty bed. They pulled themselves into a sitting position, and looked around the room, looking for Matt. No luck. Y/N frowned, and remembered last night. Did Matt have to leave? Did he go get them breakfast? Was he going to go feed their cat, Skip? Questions rushed through their head, with no answer. They pulled their legs to their chest, and rested their head on their knees. 

      A nurse stepped into the room, and greeted Y/N with a big, cheery grin. "Good morning! How are you, Mrs. Patrick?" Y/N sighed and fiddled with the silver ring on their finger. "Um.. where is Matt?" They asked, a voice soft and small like a child's. The nurse blinked, and raised an eyebrow. 

 "I thought Mr. Patrick died three years ago?" 

 A shiver shot down Y/N's spine, and they felt tears pricking the back of their eyes. Y/N opened their mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All they could do was just.. cry. Y/N gripped the edge of their blankets, and held them close. That couldn't be true, right? This is just a really, really bad dream, right? It's because of the fever. Matt.. he.. he was just here. 

Their stomach felt heavy. "Matt's still alive... he was just here last night! W-with me!" The nurse bit her lip. Hot tears streamed down Y/N's face, but they kept on. "H-He was sitting in that chair!" They gestured to the blue chair that held Matt's figure earlier. "He spoke to me! H-He-" They had started to calm down, and their voice was soft. "-said he loved me...." 

 "I know you're in shock, Mrs. Patrick, but your husband died three years ago due to a drunk driver. He didn't survive. I'm sorry... the Matt you saw was a fever dream." Harsh truths spilled out of the nurse's mouth, which made Y/N's heart heavy with grief. Their stomach sank, they felt like they couldn't breathe, and the tears kept on coming. Y/N buried their face into a pillow, and began to sob. Their nose was running, but they didn't care. They.. really.. missed him. 

They really loved Matthew Patrick, but he was gone. 

Away from their reach. 

The nurse made her way over to Y/N and gently rubbed her back, murmuring 'I'm so sorry...' over and over again. It was a good chunk of time before Y/N lifted their head from the pillow, tear tracks streaking their cheeks. The nurse had a glass of cold water in her hand, and she gently offered it to Y/N. The depressed and tired mourner gently grabbed the glass, and drank it slowly.

 The water felt like acid in their throat and they didn't want to drink it. The nurse's concerned and sad gaze forced them to drink it. Taking a big gulp, they finished off the small glass and laid down. 

 "Do you want the light off, Mrs?" The nurse asked gently, and Y/N nodded. The nurse made her way over to the light switch, and dimmed the lights, so that Y/N's eyes could adjust to the sudden shift in lighting, then shut them off. Y/N picked up their phone, and looked at the lockscreen. It was a picture of them and Matt. Their fingers traced Matt's face softly, with tears beginning to prick at their eyes again. With a hoarse and quiet voice, all they could muster was.. 

"I love you and I'm so sorry, Matthew." 

 Then, they fell asleep.

"....but by the morning Person B is alone again. Only when their fever breaks do they remember that Person A died years ago, and their return was just a fever dream."
Enjoy the feels, lovely readers.  

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