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  Quick birthday drabble because I suck
And on mobile. No proper grammar. Sucks because I MISSED his birthday ;v;
The surprise was going to be perfect. You bought Matt a really good cake from a nearby bakery. It was a simple one, though. Yellow on the inside, chocolate on the outside.

​Since you were an awesome girlfriend, you went into town and found an old videogame store. Matt was starting to collect retro games, so you bought a whole bunch for different consoles and threw them into a box, then heading to a store with a wrapping station to wrap up the box. It was wrapped nicely with a green and yellow ribbon flower thing on top.

​When it was time for Matt to return home from chilling with some YouTubers, you had the cake, diet coke and present set up. He strode into the house, and saw the cake.

​"Oh, oh wow Y/N. This looks really good, thank you!" The theorist giggled before pulling you into an embrace and kissing your cheek. "Happy Birthday,dear." You replied, softly chuckling to yourself.  


Hey, Wattpad followers! Sorry 'bout the mishap in the past two chapters (accidentally copying from the wrong place, yknow) and having all the reader inserts fucked up. But it's cool now.  Promise. The explanation for those who wanna get details, I use a chrome app called (no promotion i promise) "Interactive Fics" which basically changes Y/N to your name, and it's doing it on here, wow that sucks, so please don't blame me. Ok? Ok. Thank you all for understanding.

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