Part II

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He raised his slicked black eyebrows as if to ask the question again. I really didn't know how to answer him. I guess I did but I also didn't. What if it was awkward after the kiss. Well, he didn't care. He leaned in close to my body and placed his hands around my waist. I felt the warmth through my soaked shirt, which I'm sure was see-through by now. His eyes searched my face, and his skin glistened from the rain. I could only imagined I look similar but less well attractive. Josh was always good-looking, I guess I never really looked close enough to see what really hid behind the sideswiped jet black and streaked blue hair.

We were pressed together now. Both looking into the others eyes. He set his forehead on mine and shut his baby blues. I closed my eyes as well and felt my breath quiver. I couldn't tell if I was just cold or maybe I was nervous. It was a different feeling being nervous around Josh; I was always myself around him.

As if I thought we couldn't be any closer he pulled my body up toward him and kissed me. Fireworks. That's all I felt. Colorful emissions of light in the back of my eyes. It was so beautiful; I didn't want it to end! Again and again his lips pressed against mine. He moved his face so that both of ours rested in the cress of the others. More explosions and colors flew around in my head. Could he feel the same? Does this kiss mean something? Anything? Maybe?

One more light one. And it was over. He set me down on my feet and slightly backed away. My eyes were still shut, when his hands left my body. I realized that the rain was still falling and hard. I was shivering. And when I opened my eyes I saw how scarily pale he was. How long has he been standing out here? It's been raining for hours and I could only imagine his drenched clothes sucking the heat from his body.

I grabbed his hand and ran him up the path to the house. I practically threw him in the shower clothes and all just to get him warm. "I can't feel the water." He told me. "Don't worry you will get warm soon." I said through chattering teeth. "Get in here!" He exclaimed as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him. "No! What are you doing? Let me go!" We were laughing now. Soaked, shivering and giggling.

I ran to my bedroom to get dry clothes for both of us. I didn't have any that would fit perfectly with him being so tall and all, but my brother's clothes would have to do. I grabbed some of my clothes as well and changed quickly in my room. I didn't hear him walk to the door, but when he wrapped his hands on my bare stomach I was really startled. I screamed, actually. Josh was really surprised, and began apologizing immediately. Well what did he expect, I didn't have a shirt on and he snuck up behind me! I let him have it, screaming and yelling profanities at him. And then I began to cry. I fell to the floor hunched over on my knees. Josh brought me my towel and covered my shoulders. He didn't understand why I was crying, and neither did I. It might have been because I got really scared or because I was emotional. I told him to get dressed and he did then he tried to help me get dressed, but I refused. I told him to get out of my room so I could finish getting dressed.

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