Part XV

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We walked back to the stage and greeted the others for sound check. "What were you two up to?" Matt asked. "Nothing." Josh answered. "Oh, I see how it is." Matt said sarcastically. "Shut up." Josh answered. They each got a microphone and earpiece on and even asked if I wanted one. I declined because I would rather be back stage listening. Disregarding my thoughts Josh hooked me up to the sound system. I protested the entire time, but he didn't say a word. After everything was set he told me that anytime I felt like singing or harmonizing or anything I was free I do so. I knew all their songs, but I told Josh and the guys that I wouldn't be doing much, except for listening. They all filed out into the stage to test the guitars, drum set, and microphones.

Just as they began playing I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around; there stood a man, he was a pretty big guy and also very attractive. I assumed he was just a security guard when he asked me for my name, but when told him who I was he grabbed my wrist and nearly threw me to the floor. "What that hell?!" I shouted. "What's wrong with you? I have a pass to be here." I told him. He laughed. "I'm not a security guard." He stated. "But you are going to wish a pretty girl like yourself never came here." My body went numb as this man tackled me to the ground. He was heavy so I couldn't fight back nor could I control my limbs. He tore off the earpiece and microphone and threw them aside. He took the precaution of covering my mouth with his hand but that was unnecessary because I couldn't form words much less make sounds. He had a hard time controlling me now because I had apparently regained the feeling in my body. Releasing my hands from his vice-like grip was a challenge but I managed to remove one of my wrists. My feet were moving again so I was able to get up and run to the stage but the man still had my left arm. It seemed as though I was winning the fight since I was moving towards the stage. Just when I thought I would escape he jerked my arm toward him and I fell to the ground once again. He sat on my chest can held something cold to my throat. It was a knife. Again I froze as the man leaned his face right next to mine and pushed the dull side of the knife to my skin. "You won't get away from me, pretty girl." At this point I knew I would lose. There was no way I wanted Josh or the others to help me with this crazy knife wielding man. I decided that anything he wanted I'd have to give him.

Still pressing the cool blade against my neck he whispered into my ear. "We are going to walk out of here like nothing is wrong. I'm going to put my knife away, but if anything goes wrong you get the privilege of dying in front of your boyfriend." I felt tears well up in my eyes, and it was tough to swallow. "No." I whispered. "Please." I said again. "Good." He choked back. He got off of me but I couldn't move. Suddenly he yanked me up by my hair possibly ripping most of it out.

We walked for what seemed like an eternity. Down the hallways I never knew existed, passing people that looked familiar. 'What did this man want? And why me?' I thought. Just then he yanked at my wrist and slammed me again the wall. His body pushed mine flat towards the white paint and his hand covered my mouth. Our faced were millimeters apart, but his other hand was searching for something on my body. Perhaps my cell phone? Well he found that. Be he kept looking for something. He wasn't looking for something. He was just touching me. I began thrashing feeling violated and I knew what he wanted from me. He laid off, but as soon as he let me up the back of his hand connected with my cheek. No one was around to see what just happened. I was on the floor this time the tears were dripping on the tiles. He didn't say anything, but again yanked my hair back exposing my face to the light. I let out a yelp. "Shut up!" He screamed and lifted me to my feet by my arm. Again we were walking and soon I saw a door; it had an exit sign above it. Every possible thing ran through my head at the moment. I knew what this guy wanted from me, but what would do after? Probably just kill me, I concluded. I thought of everything I wanted my family and friends to know. I love them, all of them. I wanted my parents to know I was thankful for them. My sibling needed to know they were everything to me. My best friend needed to know she was beautiful and strong. The guys need to know they were funny and amazing. And Josh needed to know I loved him, that I was in love with him, and that this wasn't his fault.

"Stop!" The man ordered as I stood in front of the door. He got up right behind me and pulled my hair to the side. "Once we get out there, if you run, I can tell you right now you won't get far." He brought something to my side; another cold, shiny weapon. This time it was a gun.


I froze. 

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