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Sorry I havent updated in a while..I'm so glad that there have been some reads!! Really greatful for all of you guys! Love ya! <3

Still crying and breathing hard my naked body was curled up next to Josh’s. His arms were wrapped around me holding us close together. I started to settle down as he ran his hands through my hair. My body was still wracked with pain from the cuts and from what Josh and I almost did. I guess I was so emotionally drained that I thought this would help. Not entirely.

He brought his lips to my ear. “Simoya, are you okay?” He breathed. “Yes.” I said in a soft voice. “I’m sorry that I made you stop. I promised myself I wouldn’t do that.” I added. “There is nothing you should be sorry about. You didn’t do anything wrong.” “I feel so stupid. I guess I really wanted this, but it’s just too much in one time. With everything that has happened, it’s just…crazy.” He smiled and placed his lips on my forehead. “You are not stupid, I understand that you fell ready, but you are right. Too many things have happened within the past couple weeks, so when you get better everything will fall into place.” A small smile crossed my face, and he brought his mouth close to it. I shut my eyes waiting for his warm lips to embrace mine and when they did it was the fireworks kiss all over again.

I woke up with an orange sun streaming into my room leaving the embroidered design from the curtain on my sheets. My body was stiff and I could feel the pain coming back. I needed the pain medication. Now. Uncovering myself I could see where the aches radiated from. The towel from last night was still on the floor I tried bending down so I could use it, but that idea was a bust. Instead I pulled the cover off of my bed and slowly wrapped it around my battered body. I called out his name once, twice. No answer. I tenderly made my way down the squeaking stairs and looked around. Nothing seemed different from where I had left it. That scared me a bit. Could Josh have had enough and just left? No, he couldn’t have. I searched for the phone to call him with a thousand thoughts running through my head. I dialed his number. One ring. My heart was pounding. Another. I thought it would jump out of my chest. Finally he picked up. “Hello?” “Josh?” “Simoya? Baby? Why are you up? I thought you would sleep a little longer. I didn’t want to wake you up yet. I just ran to the store to pick up some food and such. Are you okay?” His words ran out of his mouth so rapidly I almost forgot to answer any of his questions. “Baby?” He said again. “Y-yes I’m fine, don’t worry. I just got scared when I didn’t see you anywhere.” “No, no I’ll be back soon, ten minutes tops, okay?” He sounded worried. “Take your time.” The shaking in my voice stopped. “I’ll be home soon.” He said calmly. “Alright, I’ll see you then.” I answered. “I love you.” “I love you too, Josh.” 

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