Part XXX

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Sorry it took so long to update, readers! School started up again and then my computer decided not to turn on! Woo! But anyway its here! Let me know what you think! Thanks!

A week flew by and then another and today it was my birthday. Wow I’m going to be twenty tonight. Everyone is coming over, my family, my best friend, and the guys and of course Josh. I wanted to have the party just to see everyone and to be with everyone. Josh is helping me get all the food and such for tonight. Honestly everyone is having pizza, and I know my siblings will like it, no cooking for me and an easy clean up too. I don’t really need anything like gifts and such. I have everything I need.

We ordered the pizza for six tonight and are the store right now picking up snacks and drinks. Josh is buying the alcohol, which isn’t much because most of the party is too young to drink anyway. I might have a couple drinks tonight though because hey, I’m not driving.

It was already noon and my house wasn’t clean yet, but Josh insisted that we get a “birthday lunch”. Josh never said a word the entire time we ate. Nothing. At all. He usually can’t stop talking and I’m the one who sits quiet. I look up at him and he is staring at his barely touched plate. I tilt my head, “Not hungry, babe?” I ask. “Hmm? What? No, just not hungry.” I furrow my brows. “Okay, that’s what I asked.” “I’m sorry, I’m just… thinking.” I reach my hand across the table and he takes it looking up at me with a weak smile. “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask. Josh’s lips part and a small ‘uh’ escapes. “It’s okay if you don’t.” I add. “It’s really okay, hun.” He says quietly. “Alright.” I finish my sandwich and take a last sip of my drink when our waiter arrives with two small desserts. I make an attempt to tell the waiter that he has the wrong table but he just walks away silently. “Did you order these?” I question Josh. He is looking at me with those big blue eyes that make me want to melt and that perfect smile. “Yeah, it’s just a little birthday cake, all for you.” His smile gets wider. “Oh, alright. I really shouldn’t eat it though because we are going to have a cake tonight.” “Just one bite, for me. I’ve heard that the middle is the best part.” He says wiggling his eyebrows. I giggle and give into the little treat. It really does look good, and one bite won’t hurt. I place my fork right in the middle and I hear a funny sound when it lands on the plate, but the plate was much further down than where my fork landed. I begin to cut into the small cake and see something sparkle inside the chocolate loaf, I dig it out with my fork and it’s a ring.

I look to Josh, but he is no longer in his seat. He is kneeling on the side of our table facing me, and taking my now limp hand. My other hand rises to my mouth and I already feel the tears. What is he doing? I don’t understand.

“Simoya, will you marry me?” Josh asks in a quiet voice. I feel the tears sliding down my face, I just can’t say anything. I really am speechless. He sits there for a good twenty seconds waiting before I finally realize what he is actually doing. Although I can’t speak, I nod my head and that’s all he was waiting for. Josh kisses the top of my hand and I try to wipe away the tears that are silently running down my face, but they just won’t stop. Josh sees this and asks if I want to head home now. I nod quickly and stand up still trying to stop the tears, but I can’t stop the smile that is pasting itself on my face. This is unreal. I don’t believe this for a second but I know it’s true. He just proposed. To me. Me! Oh my goodness. That’s all that is running through my mind: oh my goodness.

“Are you okay?” Josh quietly asks me when we get to the car. Wiping away one last tear hoping no more would spill I reply, “Yes!” With a big smile. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me and I do the same. When we pull apart he gets down on one knee again and takes the ring from his pocket and slides it on my right ring finger, kissing the top of my hand again.

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