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My brain woke up before my eyes opened and everything registered. My cheeks flooded and I'm sure they were red. Why was I embarrassed? Should I be? I don't know. He touched his hand to my cheek and my eyes fluttered open to a shadow in the sunlight. As they adjusted I saw his blue eyes looking right back at mine. "Good morning." He said in a low voice. I smiled, "Good morning." "Should we meet the guys for breakfast in an hour?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. "Did you want to get ready now or later?" He questioned. "Will they give us the key for these?" I questioned pointing to the shackles. "Well it would be nice." He stated. We laughed like we always did and then our cell phones began to ring. It was Matt saying that we should hurry up because they were all hungry. Josh texted him back asking if we could have the key just so we could shower and get ready. Matt took a while to reply probably asking Mike if he still had the thing. Finally he said yes and not two minutes later did he show up with it.

After both of us were un-cuffed I went to take a shower. Josh went to the other room to get ready and give me some privacy. After my shower I combed out my hair and put make up on. Then after I dried my hair I threw on some jeans, a tank top and a sweat shirt Josh left for me with a note. "If you don't have another shirt to wear you can have this. Love, Josh." I folded the note and put it in the pocket of my jeans. I couldn't help but grin on the walk over to the other room.

"Nice shirt." Commented Ian. "Thank you." I said with my grin. "Did Josh tear up all of your other clothes so you'd have to wear that thing?" Matt asked then burst out laughing. "Very funny." Josh said walking out from the bathroom. He was cleaned up. His hair was gelled back with his blue streak right in front as always. Josh's face was cleanly shaven and when I went to hug him the cologne he used seeped into my nose. All I could think was 'wow'. How can someone be so attractive and mine? Is he mine? I didn't know that for sure so when he leaned in to give me a minty kiss I asked him if there was something between us. "Only if you want there to be." I smiled and nodded then he pulled me up and kissed me. "Aww, how sweet, come on you love birds let’s put that cuff back on, we have to get going." Mike stated. "What!?" Josh exclaimed. "Yeah, you guys need to wear it until we get back home." Ian pointed out. "Come on guys." I pleaded. "Do we really need to wear it? I promise we won't leave each other’s side for the rest of the trip." "I don't know." Pondered Matt. "Please?" I asked with my most pleading face. "I guess we will have to keep an eye out on you two, then." Mike said. "Thank guys." Josh said as we all filed out of the room. He grabbed my hand and we all walked to the Denny's across the street.

We all ordered our breakfast and started talking about random things. The guys threw around facts about shows they've done in the past. And we were all laughing about the stage blunders that each of them experienced. "So what did you guys do last night?" I started choking on my orange juice when Mike asked the question. "Nothing. We didn't do anything." Josh replied. "Sounds like a lot of 'nothing' coming from Simoya." Mike retorted. I cleared my throat. "I swear, we didn't do anything." "Sure, sure." Mike joked. "Mike, at least Simoya didn't threaten to leave like that one girl you brought." Josh sneered. "Oh yeah, that girl wasn't as much fun anyways." Ian added. "She was all 'I can't do this. We are moving too fast. Oh My God!' And all that stuff." He said in a high voice. Mike rolled his eyes. That shut him up. What was it anyone's business what Josh and I did anyway? Our food arrived but everyone was still joking and goofing off. All of us were having a good time, and then someone came to our table. It was a girl just a bit younger than me. She kind of looked like me. She just stood there; my guess was that she loved the boys. "Hello." She said. "C-can I get a picture with you guys? You are my favorite band!" Josh just looked at her then back at me. "Of course you can!" I told her. "I'll take it for you." "Oh no, I want Josh's girlfriend in the picture!" She said. Girlfriend? Oh yeah, me. The title sounded weird, but we all got up as the girl waved a woman with a camera over, probably her mother. We stood in a line with the girl in the middle and me next to her with Josh and Matt on the same side. After the picture the girl pulled me aside and told me how lucky I was to have Josh as a boyfriend. I asked her how she knew this and she explained that the way were sitting together told everything. He did have his arm around me but was it the way I looked or something? His sweatshirt? "You two look so comfortable and in love." Said the girl. "I have to go now, it was nice meeting you. Thank you for the picture." And she was off. I rejoined the boys and Josh asked if everything was alright. "Yeah, she just thanked us for the picture." "She seemed nice." Ian stated. Everybody finished their breakfast; we paid and went back to the motel to collect our stuff. Once we were back on the bus the rest of the guys made sure we the two of us were together otherwise the handcuff had to go back on. Josh and I locked hands and sat on the couch on the one side of the bus. Soon we were lying down side by side half asleep. The bus lulled me to sleep so fast especially because I didn't get much sleep last night.

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