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A year passed and finally it was our wedding day. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that I was going to say 'I do' to the man of my dreams. When I woke up that morning my whole family was knocking at my door. They were yelling for me to wake up and get ready. My dress was still in the box all of my make-up and hair accessories were out and ready to be used. I'm thankful that my sisters and mom were here to help me out. I don't know if I would be able to stay sane for the day without them. I jumped into the shower quickly and scrubbed my skin lightly. I wanted to look beautiful today. I wanted to glow. I applied body lotion and wrapped my hair in towel. Although my hair was still pretty short, I grew out the red enough to go back to a more natural brown color. It looked pretty and my mom was going to style it, so I wasn't worried. I even bought some extensions to use just for today. After the lotion I walked out into my room to see my middle sister holding a bag and giggling like a young child. "You should wear this under your dress" she said with a wink. I pulled out the lacy fabric. She bought me a lacy, white corset and underwear set complete with a white garter. The set was beautiful, I laid it out on my bed hugged my sister and thanked her for the useful gift. "I'll put it on later" I said to her. My mom then said, "Good, now I'll be sure to get some grandchildren out of that." The three of us busted out laughing, and my little sister just stood there with no clue of what was going on. Thank goodness.

I sat down on a little stool for my mom to do my hair, she started out by drying it completely straight. Then she added the extensions, which made my hair quite a bit longer. I didn't want an overly elaborate hair style for the day, but I wanted something elegant. She was able to work her magic and give me the best hair style. My mom curled the ends of my hair and pulled back some of the front pieces so that it was half up. The strands were pinned with bobby pins and to give it a little bling she used some pins that had pearls and clear gems on them.

I wanted to do my own makeup, but I wanted it to also be simple. I used foundation and concealer, did a simple winged eyeliner and used a little bit of a light rose colored eyeshadow on the crease of my eye. Topped it off with mascara and individual glue on eyelashes. I was adding my blush when I noticed that my mom was tearing up. I turned to her and was also tearing up, I went and hugged her and she told me I would always be her baby. I kissed her cheek and she kissed my forehead telling me I was beautiful. I smiled at her, "Now, let's get you into your dress." I was so ready for that. I went into the bathroom and put on the lingerie that my sister gave me, walked out and my little sister giggled uncontrollably. "You'll get it someday" I said and we all laughed a little.

Now came the dress. I opened the box and removed the tissue paper that surrounded the dress. Carefully I lifted the dress out and fell in love with it all over again. It was truly beautiful. The dress had a sweet-heart neck line with simple beading of pearls and clear gems around the waist line. It fit my curves well, and was loosely fitted from my hips to the floor. I tossed on my shoes and looked in the mirror one last time. I wasn't going to look like this again and I wanted to remember it. I took a deep breath let it out and nodded towards my family. The four of us got into the car and my mom drove to the church.

My family isn't really religious, but I wanted to get married in our church. Once we pulled up my mom and sisters looked around making sure that Josh wasn't looking out any windows or anything. When they said that the coast was clear I slowly got out of the backseat of the car being careful not to ruin my hair or dress. My sister made sure the hallway was clear to get into the spare room before the ceremony started. I didn't get a chance to see the chapel with the small embellishments I had picked out, and I was hoping that they were okay. I could hear some murmurs coming from the chapel, meaning that everyone was waiting for our wedding to begin.

My youngest sister came back bouncing, "It's time!" she squeaked. I gave them all one last hug before they were to walk down the aisle before me. Both Josh and I wanted a small wedding, not a whole bunch of people were invited. My immediate family and his, some aunts, uncles and cousins from both sides. Matt, Mike and Ian were obviously there, Matt was the best man after all!

Right before I left the spare room my dad popped into the door way. "Oh, wow." Slipped out of his mouth. I turned around and the tears that I couldn't hold back anymore fell down my face. I went and hugged him so tight and he hugged me right back, I could hear him getting choked up by the way he was breathing. We broke our hug and he kissed my forehead so softly. With his thick accent he said through quick sobs, "You will always be my little girl, and I will always love you, no matter what." I nodded and hugged into his chest one more time.

I heard the music start and Danika tapped my father on his shoulder and with a small smile motioned to us that it was time to walk. I knew the order, first the guys would walk in. Then Josh would take his place up by the alter, my mom would lead my sisters out who were my maids of honor. The ring bearer, and the flower girl followed by my dad and I. My father took my hand and kissed it like he always did, held it with both of his large hands and gave me the weakest smile I have ever seen him make.

It wasn't a long walk to the chapel from the spare room, so we were perfectly on time. I saw my little cousin walk in the chapel with soft white pillow, then Josh's niece began throwing the petals and Danika waited until the music changed into the cannon for me to get ready to walk. Before that she reached behind the door to get my bouquet and my veil. She fixed my headpiece and draped it over my face. Danika smiled at us and the music changed. I looked up at my dad and held my arm tight, "I promise, I won't let you fall." He said with a goofy smile. I nodded with a full smile back and we stood in front of the door way. Some of the closer guest could see us because I hear them gasp ever so slightly. When we started walking down I could see that some people have already started crying and wiping away tears. I could see so many faces and they were so happy for us.

We were both half way down the aisle when I finally looked at Josh. He had the most shocked look on his face. I guess he didn't know what to expect, and neither did I. He looked so different in the setting and in his tux, I just couldn't believe it. I managed to smile from behind my veil in hopes he would see it, I felt like he did because he smiled back the warmest smile.

We walked up to the step I turned to my dad he gave me a light hug and I handed my bouquet to my sister. My dad joined mine and Josh's hands and went to take his seat. The priest then began in his soft but powerful voice. I didn't pay much attention to the words, I was just looking at Josh the whole time. He was staring back at me, occasionally we would look at our hands. When it came time to say our vows I could barely speak. My voice was shaking and so was Josh's. In matter of seconds we were about to be married.

"I do" I said with a smile, Josh lifted up my veil and then we kissed for the first time as a married couple. The music struck up again and everyone was cheering. Both of us ran down the aisle holding hands to go get ready for the reception dinner.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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