Chapter 2

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The picture is a picture of her new car! :p


The pain never came; I felt strong arms go around me and a firm wall in front of me, smothering me with warmth. I looked up into light brown stunning eyes, surrounded by tan skin.

I was speechless. The guy smirked and instantly I regained my senses, “Uh, thanks.”

I stood myself up and then looked from my mom to my dad and then back to the hottie that was staring at me. Then I noticed a tall guy with graying black hair. I stuck my hand out to him and he gripped it tightly, “Hi, I'm Sam.”

He smiled and then replied, “Good Morning Sam, I’m Gerard Vernon, and this is my son, Nathaniel.”

Wait! That’s his son?! Those were his Batman curtains?! Nice, very nice.

 I turned towards Mr. Hottie – I mean, Nathaniel, and smiled, “Hi, Nathaniel.”

He rolled his eyes and then replied bluntly, “It’s Nate. Nobody calls me Nathaniel, Samantha.”

I smiled and then replied, “Touché.”

He smirked at me, rolled his eyes and my parents turned towards Gerard, “Well, who wants chocolate chip pancakes?”

I raised my hand into the air wildly and then jumped up and down, “Ooo, Ooo Me! Me! Me! I do! I do! I do!”

My mom laughed and I heard Gerard and possibly Nate laughing behind me. My father smiled and then asked Nate’s dad, “Would like to stay for chocolate chip pancakes?”

I was already moving slowly towards the kitchen hoping to get there before anybody else, but I still heard him answer, “Sure! Chocolate chip pancakes are Nate’s favorite breakfast!”

I froze and then turned to him smiling; he was smirking, “Really?”

He nodded staring at me and then followed me into the kitchen. As luck would have it, he sat right next to me.

I piled four pancakes on my plate and so did Nate, “Hey would you stop copying me?! I know I’m hot, but still it’s annoying.”

I turned towards him, and he was smirking at me. I’m not a violent person, but I would love to just punch that stupid smirk off his gorgeous face!

I scoffed and then spoke softly so our conversing parents wouldn’t hear, “God! You’re so fucking cocky!”

He replied in an undertone, “At least I’m not a spoiled, stuck up little rich girl!”

I was shocked at his tone and his words, I tried hard not to show the hurt on my face. God! This guy barely even knew me! Already he was judging me?!

I nodded slowly, and then turned to my parents, “I lost my appetite.”

All the parents turned to look at me, shocked, even Nate. “What? Sweetie, are you okay?”

I nodded slowly and then looked down at my chocolate chip pancakes that suddenly looked like poison. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

My mother still pestered me about it though, “Honey, chocolate chip pancakes are your favorite thing to eat! If you could you would have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner! What’s the matter?”

“I just remembered how spoiled I seem to be, I thought that I would take a walk, you know just to clear my head,” I replied saying that first part quickly.

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