Chapter 25

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The guy is the side bar is one of the twins, Ricardo.


Nate’s POV

After I dropped off Kelly at her house I headed over to my place. Gosh, my lips are freaking swollen! Not the good kind of swollen either! Like, not to be mean and say that Kelly is a bad kisser, but . . . SHE IS A TERRIBLE KISSER!!!

Still, when you love someone, you overlook their flaws.

But, you don’t love her.

So-Hey! Shut up! I do too love her!

Then how come you never told her? Whenever she says ‘I love you’ you just turn away. . .

Maybe I don’t want to seem clingy . . . you never know . . .

I KNOW that you don’t love her . . . and the funny thing is, is that you know that you don’t love her . . .

You know what?????



I DO LOVE HER!!! How dare you take my friends side! You’re my conscious dammit!

Maybe I’m just smarter than you . . .

THAT’S IT!! I demand a new conscious!!

You can’t do that . . . Sorry pal . . .


I sighed and closed my door before turning and staring at the living room. Great.

My dad was passed out on the living room couch with the TV blaring. Poor dad.

I walked over to him and turned off the TV and heard a car pull up next door and saw Sam, Jared and Brett get out of her kick-ass car.

Yeah, I have to admit that her car is pretty sick.


They were my friends after all. . .

I guess I could share, but still, I was their friend first.

I watched them go into the house and shut the door behind them.

I walked into the kitchen and starting to dish up some snacks for myself. Like, chips n’ dip, Twizzlers, and White Castle Sandwiches. Yum.

While I was making them, I thought I heard shouting next door, but couldn’t be certain. I started to get this funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, but pushed it away since Brett and Jared were there.

My thoughts were shattered once I heard the front door burst open and then slam shut waking my dad up from the living room.

“What the hell?” I asked the guys.

My dad mumbled something about annoying teenagers and trudged upstairs to his bedroom.

I saw Jared and Brett heaving for air, and Jared’s face was frightened. “What the hell is going on you guys?”

“Sam’s . . . dad . . . is . . . fucking . . . scary . . . as hell . . .” Jared managed to choke out.

Brett nodded and then replied a little more under control, “Damn right. He started yelling at Sam and calling her a whore and shit for us being there. He thought that she was fucking us!”

“Which would be pretty awesome, but still . . . BAD!” Jared cut in.

I shot him a glare and feared what was gonna be said next. “Yeah, she looked hurt and everything, and he yelled for us to get he fuck out of his house and we did!”

My blood started to pump faster through my body. They just left her there?

They left her?

“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE?!?!?!” I roared at them. “Don’t you know that he hit her before!? You just left her there!”

“Sorry man, he looked like he was gonna beat the shit out of us! He wouldn’t really hit Sam; he’s her father for Christ’s sake!” Brett butt in.

I ignored them and then pushed passed them as I scrambled out the door. I ran as fast as I could over to their house. I was about to bang on the door as hard as I could when the door opened before I could even knock on it.

A figure was shoved out the door and into my arms, and the person fell on top of me and we rolled on to the lawn.

I finally released my breath and noticed that it was Sam underneath me. She looked hurt and her cheek was red, and the small cut was bleeding a little. No tears were evident, yet.

I saw the look of shock on her face when she realized that it was me on top of her, and she gasped out, “Nate. What are you doing here?”

I panicked slightly.

I couldn’t tell her that I really ran over here, not even knowing for sure if she was hit or not. So I had to come up with a lie, and fast.

“I came to get you, cause Jared and Brett were worried that you were gonna get hurt or something by your dad.”

Okay, so it wasn’t my best lie.

In fact, it was terrible, I knew that she would find out it was a lie when she came over.

“Oh, um, I’m fine I guess,” she said trying desperately to keep from shaking.

Her body still pressed to mine, I saw a look of hurt flash through her eyes.

“What happened?” I whispered slowing sliding off her and sitting on the grass.

She took a deep breath and replayed the whole scene from when they entered her front door to just now.

I wanted to kill her father now. Seriously. He needed to eat his own fucking balls . . .

I mentally laughed at the image, but at the same time cringed at how that might feel. *shiver shiver*

She stared up at me with hopeful eyes and a shy, innocent face. I just wanted to take hold of her and never let go.

Wait, no I don’t. I don’t even like her. Okay!!!! I DO NOT LIKE HER!!!

There, that should just about do it.

“I’m sorry Sam, but shit happens,” was my genius response.

She looked up at me, and the hope was gone from her eyes. But, still a small forced smile made its way to her lips, and she replied softly, “I guess you’re right. I just need to suck it up.”


Why did I say that?


She, I, Crap.

She stood up slowly and started to walk towards her car.

“Where are you going?”

“Well, I definitely don’t want to spend time here, than absolutely necessary, so I think I’ll go find a job. Bye, Nate, and thanks.”

I was looking down up until she said thank you. I looked up at her and saw her standing by her car door. “For what?”

She thought for a quick moment and then replied with a cute smile, “Listening.”

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