Chapter 4

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This is a picture of who i thought Jared looked like in my mind ^_^


Sam’s POV

I woke up around two and stood up, I was still wearing my little yellow spaghetti strap shirt and my little red booty shorts. I wearily walked over to my bathroom, went pee, brushed my teeth and hair and descended the stairs into the kitchen.

I was instantly alert when I saw my mom and dad standing there with four big bags of luggage.

“Where are you guys going?” I asked still a little sleepy.

They turned to me with big smiles on their faces. “Oh sweetie, good, you’re up. I was about to come up and get you before we left.”

“Leaving where?” I asked. Oh! Wait, didn’t she saying something about taking my phone last night with her on the trip?

“To Suva, for your father’s business trip . . . remember?” she looked at me like I was the stupidest person in the world. “Now, where’s your phone? We’re taking it with us.”

My father spoke up from in the living room, “Its right here, I have it!”

I was still confused on where they were going, “Wait, where are you going???!”

“Suva? The capital of Fiji?” my mom repeated like I was retarded, okay so maybe I was a little retarded, but still.

I gawked. “What?! And you’re going with out me???”

I sunk down to the floor and watched as my mom kissed me goodbye, “Bye sweetie. Oh and Gerard came by this morning and asked to see you. So go over there later, and by later I mean as soon as possible.”

With that she left.

Okay, I just moved into California, now my parents are going away to FIJI without me?!!!!!!!????? I have an amazingly hot guy next door who thinks I'm stuck up and ugly, and I think that the Kale guy from last night was hitting on me, did I miss anything???

I stood up and groaned while going upstairs to get ready.

*an hour later*

I checked my reflection in the mirror and surveyed myself.

I had on light wash skinny jeans with holes in them and a white v-cut shirt on. My hair was curled around my head and I pulled on my converse.

I walked out the door and walked next door. I saw a dark red Ford Flex, but it didn’t even match my Camaro.

I smiled to myself and knocked on the door.

I heard shuffling behind the door and watched as Gerard opened the door. He smiled when he saw me and said, “Sam! Good, you came! Come in please! I have to leave soon, but I still wanna talk.”

I stepped inside and the inside was about the same as our house cept different furniture.

I stood like a child admiring all the expensive stuff in here while Gerard called, “Nate! Boys! Get down here!”

I heard laughing and groans as I watched Nate and . . . 

Wait! What?! The same three guys from last night!!

Brett, Jared and Kale!

I smiled when I saw them, although I did try to avoid eye contact with Kale, but I glared slightly at Nate.

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