Chapter 50

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Nate’s POV

I came to consciousness, but my eyes were still shut tight because all that I could see was blackness. I slowly became aware of my body, and how sore I was. I wanted to move, but at the same time, I was terrified. What if I had broken some bones? Sam probably has broken bones.

Sam. Is she okay??

I suddenly became aware of voices. They were slightly fuzzed out, but I could still define them as a girl’s voice, and the rest were men. Was I in a hospital? Was Sam de-No! I can’t accept that. She better not be.

I concentrated on lifting my eyelids, but somehow they managed to suddenly weigh as much as theEiffelTowerand it was near impossible to open my eyes. I went to rub my eyes, but right had seemed otherwise occupied, so I used my left hand. My eyes hurt, especially my left one. I groaned slightly, and the voices stopped.

My right hand became more constricted and when I set my hand down on my chest, I wanted to scream in pain. It hurt so badly. I opened my eyes, and then first thing I saw was Sam. Her face was a big soften blur, but I knew it was her. I just knew.

I wanted to tell her how sorry I was that I didn’t protect her better, and how much I wanted to be there for her for the rest of her life, but it was extremely difficult to talk. I opened my mouth to talk, but my throat just closed up like a freaking flower.

Sam’s face became clearer and I realized that she was holding a glass of water. I suddenly imagined myself devouring that glass of water along with 50 others. I tried to sit up, but it was so painful. My throat was screaming at me though, so I gritted my teeth and sat up. My ribs were on fire and the bruises on my back from previous encounters with Kale, still hurt.

Suddenly, when I looked up at Sam, I saw everything clearly. She had bruise on her cheek and a cut on the side on her head that trailed down to her jaw. Probably just dried blood, but then again, probably not. Her lip was busted and her left eye was kinda blue-ish.  I felt like kissing every one of her wounds, just hoping I had a magic touch like a mother has for her children.

I took the glass of refreshing water from her, and gulped it down, and immediately she had another, which I drank just as fast. Then another appeared, I drank it slower, but still quickly. Sam took it from me and handed it to someone behind her. That’s when I noticed the other people in the room besides us.

 A cop or two, and my father. Just sitting and staring at us as if we were behind a glass wall. I didn’t like it at all, I wish they would just say what they wanted to and leave so I could lay back down again, with Sam next to me of course.

Sam stared at me softly, and then my dad came into view behind her. I was going to have to speak, but I really didn’t care about anything other than Sam at that moment. “Arg yut oay?” I asked her. Wow, my voice scared me. It sounded like I was gargling rocks, and chewing tobacco. She raised her cute little eyebrow and almost cracked a smile. Almost. I tried that one again. “Are you okay?” I asked a little better this time.

She nodded and then my dad spoke up, “Nathaniel! I’m so happy you’re okay! I asked the doctor to come here since well, you guys seemed pretty apt on NOT letting each other go..” He motioned down towards the bed and both our eyes followed. My hand was intertwined with Sam’s. Sam and I quickly glanced back up at each other. A very soft but yet evident blush rose to her cheeks.

Then, the slight smile I almost had  quickly shifted back into a frown when I recognized her sad eyes. I turned to my father and asked, curiously, “What’s going to happen?”

Sam just kept staring at me intently with those gorgeous eyes of hers. Oh how badly I just wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss the top of her cute little head. As much pain as it would cause, it would bring me more happiness than anything right now.

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