Chapter 10

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I turned around and saw him slip and as one arm caught the sill, I lunged for him, not even giving myself a second thought.

I mean, seriously, how could you?! All you know is that someone you care about is about to be hurt and you can stop it, so you take the chance!

I grabbed both of his hands firmly and pulled him up. I felt him use his legs against the wall to help me pull him up. I felt his hands enclosed tightly around mine and when I did, I used all my strength to pull him inside the window.

When I did pull him inside, I felt him land on top of me and we rolled. We stopped with me on top of him and I was breathing heavily, gasping to catch my breath.

I was lying on his chest breathing and I closed my eyes and felt the calmness of his chest rising up and down.

Wait, calm?!

I looked up and opened my eyes to stare at him, he had a confused look on his face and he was staring at my ceiling.

“Nate,” I breathed.

He looked down his chest at me and smiled and I continued, “Are you okay?! I’m so sorry!”

He laughed.

He laughed, he fucking laughed!

“Are you serious?! You’re laughing!” I scolded him, still lying on his chest, trying to get over the fact that I almost plunged him off the sill of my window!

“Yeah, Sam, that’s what I’m doing! Gotta problem?!” he asked cockily with a smirk.

“Yea, I do! You almost fell off the sill of my window and could’ve sent yourself into a coma, and put me through hell and back again, and then through hell again, and you’re laughing?!” I spat.

He looked at me funny . . . well funny-ER and then cocked his head to the side a little, which, I might add, was freaking adorable!

Wait! I mean-pssshhhhhh . . . It was NOT adorable . . . *gag* *gag*

“You actually cared about me being thrown into a coma?” he asked unbelievingly, and a cocky smirk playing on his lips.

Still on top of him I gasped and replied, “Of course, Nate! Don’t be retarded! Of course I care! I care about everybody!”

Gosh! Stupid!

I know, right?

Yeah! I mean, I care about EVERYBODY . . . does that exclude him??

I wanna say . . . no?


Wait, so it does exclude him?


So it doesn’t not exclude him?

Yes! I mean-no!

I’m so confused!

You and me both, honey.

*sigh* Shit happens.


True dat!


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