Chapter 31

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The cute adorable redhead in the side thing-a-ma-jig is Matt, the other gay kid ^_^


Once I made it to my car, I threw my bag with my uniform in it into the back seat and was about to put my key in the ignition when I heard a tap on my window.

I jumped and let out a short startled squeal. I put a hand over my heart as I turned to look at my window.

There with a crooked smile on her face was Jessie.

I smiled and then opened my car door, “What’s up Jess?”

She huffed and then began to pout, “Can I please catch a ride home with you Sam?”

I grinned and raised my voice a little with excitement, “Of course babe! Need you even ask? Hop in my baby!”

She let a grateful smile spread upon her face as she ran around my car and hopped in my passenger seat. “Thank you so, so much Sammy! I really owe you!”

I shook my vigorously, “Don’t be stupid. You’re my new best friend Jess! You don’t owe my anything, kay?”

I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive fast as she directed me to her house. It wasn’t far from where I lived. I could walk there if need be. She lived less than a mile away. Two streets over, the second house from the corner. Yeah, I memorized it.

Once I pulled out of her driveway, I headed for Big O Tires. It was already 2:30.

I parked I parked behind the building and shut my car door before I locked it and headed in through the back door.

I spotted Brian leaning on the counter and when he spotted me he smiled hugely. I returned the smile and pointed to bag, “I’m gonna go change! I’ll be out in a couple!”

Brian nodded and then replied, “Once you get changed, be ready to get down and dirty!”

I smirked and then shouted to him before stepping in the bathroom, “I like the way that sounds baby!”

I saw him smirk and wave his hand carelessly towards me.

I changed into my uniform before opening the door and walking out.

I spotted Jordan leaning over the hood of the car with a bewildered look on his face.

“What’s up Doc?” I asked smiling at him and walking over.

He looked up and let a grin appear on his face and replied, “I can’t figure out what’s wrong with this guy’s car! It’s pissing me off!”

I smiled and shoved him out of the way playfully, “Well, let the master have a look-see.”

He smirked and then replied whilst moving away to handle a customer that just came in.

I bent over the car and began inspecting it. I took a deep breath out of frustration and then stopped short finally realizing what the problem was.

I began cracking up laughing.

“Jordan!” I called.

He came bounding over and asked rapidly, “Didja figure it out?”

I nodded after calming down and then replied, “Sometimes the hardest thing to see is the simplest thing.”

He stared at me long and hard before asking in a frustrated voice, “What is that supposed to mean?”

I smiled at him and then replied “Bend over towards the engine and take a big whiff.”

He looked at me weirdly and did so before sighing in annoyance and then moaned out loud, “OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I’m the stupidest person alive!”

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