Chapter 7

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I couldn't control my anger. I balled my hands into fists and then forced myself to calm down.

Maybe it wasn't Kale. Maybe it was her damn father again. Maybe it was some guy at the ice cream shop and Kale had actually saved her, not likely, but still it's a possibility.

I forced myself to calm down. Still, someone hurt Sam, and they were gonna get it.

I rushed into the kitchen and felt around atop the refrigerator for the first aid kit. When I found it, I ran back into the living room and I carefully cleaned the cut on her eyes brow.

When I was done, I looked at her soft, clear, angelic complexion as she began to open her eyes. Her beautiful brown, sparkling eyes opened and she smiled softly.

"Nate," she breathed.

I needed to jump into action quickly before she passed out again. Her skin was not its normal tan color yet, it was still slightly pale, and I knew that she would be out soon.

I sat up and took her body into my arms, "Sam, you need to put on some dry clothes. I need you change into them quick, before you pass out again."

She nodded and leaned her head against my chest as I carried her upstairs and into my bedroom.

What was I doing?! I had taken care of her as if my life depended on it. What the hell had gotten into me?!

I sat her on the toilet, and quickly dug the smallest boxers I had and the smallest T-shirt I had outta my drawers. I handed them to her and closed the door.

While I waited for her to change, I got a whole bunch of blankets from the hall cabinet and laid them on the bed.

I was pacing back and forth, worried outta my mind when I heard my phone screaming from downstairs. I ran downstairs, taking them two at a time and found it on the floor in the living room next to Sam's wet jacket.

I found it and saw that it was Kelly calling. I groaned internally and picked it up, "Yes, Kelly?"

She groaned and then whined, "Nate, bbaaaaaabbbbbyyyyyyyy, why did you hang up on me?!"

I cringed at the way she said 'baby' and replied trying to get her to get off as quick as possible, "Kelly, I have to go. My—I—Some—I have to go okay? I'll try to call you tomorrow. Bye!"

Hey, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be . . . KOOL!!

I smiled to myself and then picked up Sam's jacket and walked into the laundry room which was by the kitchen. I plopped her jacket on the washer and then walked upstairs.

As soon as I walked into my room, I found Sam's sleeping beauty figure curled up on my bed. She had her knees pulled up to her chest, and I saw that my boxers were a little too big and the shirt was very too big. Still, she somehow managed to look sexy and managed to make me want her.

Her long, soft silky legs were practically begging me to come to them.

OKAY, a little over the top, but still, I can't help myself.

I smiled a bit and then realized that she was shaking violently.

I frowned and picked her up and slid the blanket over her. I piled about two more on top of her and the color was still not back to its normal color.

I had an idea and grinned madly for I knew that it was going to help her and me, in more than one way. But, it was also going to be hard to control myself, but hey, I was only human.

I stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the blankets and spooned her against me. God, her body was irresistible.

As soon as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her next to me, I felt warmth surround me, and I shivered. I smiled to myself and then felt her move and then moan.

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