Chapter 19

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I stiffened and only held her closer. She had a red cheek and a few small cuts from the belt on her wrists and her cut on her eyebrow had been re-opened, but other than that, she was okay, just in need of a shower.

“You want a shower, Sam?” I asked after about twenty minutes of me just holding her closely and calming her down.  

She looked up at me and smiled a gorgeous smile I might add, “Why? I smell bad?”

I looked shocked at her, and then couldn’t help but to speak out, “You almost got raped and you’re cracking a joke?! Are you insane!?”

She smiled coyly and replied, “Maybe, it’s possible. You almost fell out my window and you were as calm as could be!”

“That was different, it was nothing! But you almost getting raped was huge! I was scared shitless!” I protested, but shut my mouth quickly, realizing that I just confessed that I cared about her.

“Yeah, well you scared me shitless too! I was so scared that you were gonna fall and die!” she argued back.

I suddenly couldn’t help but to crack up laughing. Sam looked at me like I was crazy and then weakly punched me in the chest.

I groaned and nursed my chest softly, “Oww . . . what was that for?!”

Suddenly I heard someone on the staircase and both of our heads darted to the floor where Kale’s bloody body had been, but wasn’t anymore.

He had gotten up and left. Hopefully for good this time, but you know, it can’t hurt to cross our fingers and pray. =]

Sam’s POV

I gripped onto Nate tighter as the footsteps got louder and more distinct, but it was weird because they sounded like . . . like . . . high heels?

As soon as I came to that conclusion, Kelly came into the doorway, looking like a pissed and mad dog. I knew how it must’ve looked again, me in my underwear, sitting on Nate’s lap and his arms around me.

“What the fuck?!” Kelly yelled, okay, more like squeak-yelled.

I was so surprised that I couldn’t even find the words to say. WORDS DIDN”T COME TO ME!!!

“Nate! You’re fucking this Sam person behind my back?!” she cried out.

He stood up roughly and ran over to her. He stood up, and ran over to her.

Him standing up means that I fell to the ground, and let me tell you that it was not fun! Not. Fun!

He didn’t even consider that I was in physical pain once his girlfriend was here, and it hurt like hell to know that I was just a speed bump on the Who-Nate-Cares-About road.

He put his arms around her shoulders and tried to explain. I, being a girl, could instantly tell that she was faking a hurt, and that she wanted was his attention.

I stood up and the realized that I was still in my underwear, so I snatched up a sheet from the bed and pulled it to cover myself up.  

I cleared my throat and they stopped hugging, or at least, that’s what it looked like from where I was standing. Nate and Kelly turned around to face me and she put on an innocent smile.

Oh, yeah, I forgot that Nate told her to be nice to me! Awesome! Bitch gets tamed!

“Kelly, of course it’s not what it looks like, and I just have one question for you,” I said trying not to cry.

She answered with a rude ass attitude, “What?”

Nate side-glanced at her and then ignored her.

“Why are you in my house?! How did you even get in here?!” I asked loudly still shaken up by fuck-face *cough*cough* KALE *cough*cough*cough*

She was totally calm when answering, like it was totally okay to walk into a strangers house without their permission and start exploring!

“Oh, I went over to Nate’s house and found the door wide open, so I looked for him and didn’t see him. Then I saw your door wide open and thought I’d come and ask you where he was! That’s how I was here!” she announced happily.

I rolled my eyes, and rubbed my wrists slightly, they were still really sore.

I noticed Kelly eyeing me up and down and I before I could ask her what she was doing, she blurt out,

“You look like shit! You look so fucking ugly right now! You have sex-hair, your face is all red, your eyebrow is bleeding, and you’re naked! I think I’d be pretty damn embarrassed if I was you!”

I could feel the anger rising in my face, and my fist clenched together with whatever strength I had left. I glanced over at Nate who was looking at me painfully, probably cause I did look like shit!

Um, hello!!!! You almost got raped!! Of course you are gonna look a little messy!!


I know, but—

But nothing sweetheart! And if I do say so myself, you look pretty damn sexy to me right now! You are the prettiest crier I know!

Thanks, conscious, but I’m in serious need of a shower. I’m gonna go and soak!

Night love.


Nighty Night.

I sighed at myself and watched as Kelly and Nate walked out of my room and out my house, shutting the door behind them.

Wow, I’m in serious need of a sugar cookie, and strawberry cheesecake!!

After my shower!!!!!!


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