Chapter 39

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Sam’s POV


I made my way up to Nate’s porch before I stopped and stared at his door. Last time I just stood at his door was when I was being chased by Kale.

It gave me shivers but I pushed them away.

I knocked on the door and bore holes through it with my eyes. I heard movement on the other side and took a deep breath.

Nate stared at me shocked. He looked like hell. But smelled amazing. Not the time! Right.  

“Hey Nate,” I said softly, guessing that he had a killer headache after last night.

Suddenly, his look went from shocked to annoyed and pissed. “What do you want?” he sneered.

I was taken back by his tone, but brushed it aside as side effects from the headache. I mean, I would be grumpy too if I had a headache from last night.

I softly smiled and then scrunched my shoulders, “Are you feeling okay?”

He shook his head, rolled his eyes and went to shut the door, “Go the fuck away, okay?”

My mouth hung open as he shut the door in my face. Just like that.

It took all of five seconds for me to recollect my thoughts and shove the door open.

I saw Nate starting to walk into the kitchen and flung himself around surprised.

“What the fuck is your problem? I mean, I know that you have a killer headache from last night, but I only came to help you, you don’t need to shove it my face!” I shouted, but still trying to keep my voice down.

It was then, as he turned around to fully face me that I noticed what he was wearing and it fit his muscles, perfectly. He was wearing a white wife beater, and black plaid boxers. Damn!

Okay, bad time.

“Oh-oh-oh, so, now, you wanna help me?! Mmmmmm, that’s funny, because I seem to recall you saying that I didn’t need help! What’s my problem? You, are my problem, Sam,” he said getting closer, but still keeping a reasonable distance.

I stared him dumbfounded for a second before retaliating, “What?! When did I say that?”

He scoffed and smirked a bit before raising his voice and saying, “Hum, last night, at the party?”

“I didn’t say anything close to that! If it wasn’t for me—.”

He cut me off, “If it wasn’t for you, Kelly wouldn’t be so fuckin beat up!”

I could only stare while my thoughts went wild. So, he remembered last night? Then, why was he being an asshole about it?

I began to stutter, “I...but, she, deserved it!”

He glared at me hard while his raging eyes bore into mine.

“How dare you fucking say that! All she did was try and protect me from Tim and Noah! While all you fuckin did was prevent her from doin that!”

I gasped and retorted, “WHAT! She did not do any of that! That was me! She was kissing and jerking off some other guy while you were getting cornered! I was pissed cause she was cheating on you while you were in trouble! So I got pissed and beat the shit out of her!”

He glared and clenched his jaw tight, “You shut up. Kelly does not cheat on me.”

I smirked and scoffed in his face, “Um, yeah, she does! Three times yesterday! I witnessed every single one! I went and stood in between you and Tim. Then Tim grabbed me and tossed me to Noah! I kicked the shit out of him too! Noah smacked me in the face and I fell in the pool, almost drowned if it weren’t for Matt! Where were you?! Drunk off your fuckin ass, while I had to save your sorry ass!”

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