Chapter 12

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I could only stop thinking and stare. (A/N: Doesn’t that remind you of the song “Stop and Stare” Hahaha!!! No? Well . . . *awkward moment*) I saw this blonde chick with the underside of her hair dyed black on top of Nate.

They were in a sex position; her being in between his legs gripping his hips and grinding into his dick. His hands were gripping her face ass and her shirt was popped open. Her face was pressed so hard to his I thought he was going to suffocate and I would have to perform mouth to mouth!

Of course, at this moment, I wouldn’t perform it for him . . . I would’ve let the dipshit die!! Screw him! Let the bastard suffocate!!

I giggled at my internal thought and as soon as I did, my eyes refocused and my hand flew to my mouth to cover it.

Did I just giggle out loud?

Uh- judging by the silence and the fact that Nate and the skank are now staring at you wide eyed, I’m thinking . . . Yes?

Oh really captain OBVIOUS!!!

Yes, really! You asked a stupid question and you received a dumbass answer!! Get. Used. To. It!

I ignored myself once again and looked from the skank to Nate, from the whore to Nate. Okay! She’s not a whore or a skank, lay off Sam. Lay off!!  You. Don’t. Her.

I took a deep breath, and looked into their eyes before the girl, Kelly I'm presuming, sat up and sent death glares my way.

“Who the fuck are you?!” she yelled at me.

I jumped at the sudden rise of her voice and also the highness and shrill sound she had. She smirked at me, obviously noting my sudden jumping and continued, “Excuse me?! Dumb person in the door way! I asked you a damn question!”

I could only gap and stare. Was this girl for real? Did she really just call me dumb? I’m not dumb!

Eh, honey, you have to admit, you being dumb, it’s debatable.


Fine, it’s debatable.

I could hear a snickering coming from her obviously swollen lips from how hard she was kissing him, or him kissing her. Then she turned to Nate, who had been staring at me the entire time, and smiled fakely at him before asking him, “Honey? Is this a maid of yours? Does she even speak English?!”

She got up and I suddenly found my voice, “Uh-uh-uh- You must be Kelly. I’m uh, I’m, um . . . uh . . .”

I was stuttering for two reasons. Reason 1) I had just walked in a hot make out session or at least that’s what it looked like and reason 2) I was hurt inside, but have no idea why! She was his girlfriend and they had every right to be making out, and I just met him and I don’t even like him that way and he doesn’t like me that way! So why was I hurt inside?

You know what?! Maybe it was the cookie dough I ate! I knew I shouldnt’ve whipped the dough and made it into batter! I had actually created PIOSON!!

You stupid!

*takes bow* Thank you! Thank you!

“Do you have a name maid? Or is it just ‘um?’” she asked smirking at me.

Ooo!!!! Please let me kill her God! I promise I’ll go to church every single day and pray before every single meal and I’ll kill a cow just for you and burn it in my front lawn if you only, just this once, let me kill her and not be sent to hell!!

Hehehehe . . . okay this is getting really really annoying . . . giggling to myself when no else knows why I am laughing.

Eh, they can suck it!

I shook my head back and forth slightly trying to get myself focused. “Sam! My name is Sam. I’m not a maid, by the way, I’m his next door neighbor and I just came by to get my clothes from last night,” I said trying to cover up the fact that I was worried about Nate.

He obviously wasn’t hurt or anything. He actually seemed pretty excited, if you catch my drift.

Her eyes widened when I said the last part and she jumped up and off the bed screaming, “What the fuck?!”

I immediately stepped in because I could see that Nate was sending me pained looks from his bed. So I took them as signs of saying, ‘help me!’

“Uh, no. Kelly, you have it all wrong I didn’t do what you’re thinking about! I-,” I started to explain but she cut me off.

“Bitch! Shut the fuck up and don’t interrupt me you whore! You’re fucking my boyfriend against his will aren’t you!?” she lashed out at me.

The force of her words hurt, and even though I knew she was just angry and needed someone to lash out on, it hurt like hell and I’m positive that it almost showed on my face.

I was awestruck and couldn’t even find the will to breathe. “What!?” I gasped out. “No! I- No! I was just doing la-!”

Again she cut me off, “You were doing my boyfriend! You little bitch whore! You get the fuck out of his house and take you’re fucking clothes with you!! If I ever see you with my boyfriend again . . . I’ll- I’ll-I’ll fuck you up! Got it you cunt?!?!”

I was raging mad inside and couldn’t even bring myself to look at Nate; all I could do was glare at her and try to keep myself under control. She was smirking slightly thinking that she had won this argument but she was sorely mistaken. . .

I stepped forward and she took a step back and when I said in as calm a voice as I could, she was glaring at me. “Kelly? First of all, IF! And remind you, I’m saying IF. IF I ever did sleep with Nate, he wouldn’t even want you because I’d be too damn good! Secondly, I am still a fucking virgin and I sure as hell wouldn’t think about giving it to Nate! Thirdly! I was using his washer and dryer cause mine broke and I was just coming by to pick up my clothes!! And finally! I never did a DAMN THING TO YOU!! So don’t expect that shouting at me, calling me names, getting in my face, and telling me what to do will make me the slightest bit NERVOUS!!”

I was red in the face and when I came back to my senses, I clamped a hand over my mouth and shook my head.


What The Fuck Just Came Over Me??

I did NOT mean to come off like that!!

Kelly’s face was red and shocked and she was as surprised as I was.

My hand still clamped over my mouth I shook my head and then whispered, “Sorry. I don’t- I mean I- I’ll just go.”

I was finally able to walk slowly into out of his room and down the stairs, get my clothes and walk out the front door without breathing.

When I shut the door, I let out a huge breath and collapsed against the door. The force of the shit that just went down in the bedroom took its toll on me. I dropped my clothes and slid down his door the tears falling forcefully.

I would promise myself never to cry in front of Nate unless I absolutely couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Be strong babe, for both of us.


I nodded my head to myself (if that even makes a lick a sense). I wiped the tears away and ran all the way back to my house.

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