Chapter 30

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The guy on the side is Jessie's boyfriend, John Morales.


Once I was done in the bathroom, brushing and blow drying my hair, brushing my teeth, applying slight purple eye shadow and eyeliner and mascara, I went to my bag and pulled out the outfit I had picked for today.

It was a face designed off shoulder tee with dark wash shorts and my purple ring that my grandma gave me and another stylish ring I had along with my studded belt and rose studs. I pulled on my famous studded converse and grabbed my phone and shoved it in my back pocket and grabbed my back with my work uniform in it.

I hopped downstairs and spotted everyone standing there looking ready to go. Brett was wearing a colorful lightning strike shirt and blue and white skinnys with white and blue checkered vans.

Jared was wearing a Hollywood Undead T-Shirt, skinny jeans, and orange Reeboks. Nate looked so, so hott! He was wearing an Escape the Fate T-Shirt and skinny jeans and black and purple checkered vans. Yet, somehow he looked so good. I'm jealous.

When reached the bottom of the stairs, all eyes turned to me and blushed out of habit. Brett smiled at me approvingly and Jared rolled his eyes, as if he had been waiting for hours and hours.

Nate didn’t smile, or nod; he smirked and eyes me up and down, as if assessing every inch of my body. I rolled my eyes at him and asked everyone,

“Ready to go?”

They smiled and then we walked outside, I walked over to my car and slid in the drivers seat only to be followed by Jared shutting the passenger door after he climbed in.

When we arrived at school, I found that the first bell had already rung, and we were going to be late. I have to admit that it was mostly my fault.

I ran towards the doors with Nate, Brett and Jared beside me. I clutched my bag close to my body as I rounded a corner with Nate.

We both jumped into the classroom just as the bell rang.

“You kids just made it, take your seats so I may begin my lesson,” Mr. Larson commented turning around and getting to work on his SmartBoard.

I heard Nate groan and then follow me to our desk. I plopped down and was desperately trying to pay attention when a piece of folding paper landed in front of me.

I saw my name scribbled on the top and slowly unfolded it:

Are you really paying attention? ---Nate

I smiled and then glanced over at him. He was staring at me expectantly.

 NO! Why? Do I look like I am?

I passed it back to him and when he opened it I heard a soft chuckle come from his lips. He tossed it back.

Yep, coulda fooled me.

Mwahhh-ahhh-ahhh-ahh!! My evil plan has worked! jk . . . I’m not smart enough to come up with evil plans. :D

He opened it and then let another small chuckle out and scribbled something on the paper before handing it back to me.

Ur such a dork. So, Jared just texted me and said that Brett and him were going over to Little Caesar’s later, and they asked me to come and to invite you. So?

I was about to happily agree when I remembered my new job at the garage. I sighed disappointed and replied.

Ugh! Sorry I can’t. I have to work tonight. I get off around um, you know, I can’t remember but I'll call you guys when I do get off.

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