Chapter 16

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I stared into space and slid down the wall collapsing against the counter. Tears threatened to spill over and I saw Kelcie come back and see me. She spoke up concerned, “Honey, are you alright?”

I looked up at her and wiped the nonexistent tears out from under my eyes. She stuck out a hand and I took it gratefully, “Thanks.”

She pulled me into a hug and at first I was appalled that I was hugging a complete strange old lady, but I realized that I needed that hug and hugged her back tightly. She let go after a minute or two and I smiled at her thankfully.

“You alright dearie?” she asked. I smiled and then nodded.

“Oh, I came back here to get you, your boyfriend was looking for you, so I told him I would come back here and get you, so . . . Hop to it!” she cooed with a wink.

I looked at her confused and then she led me out and I saw Nate leaning on elbow on the counter tapping his fingers. I gapped when I saw him and he turned and smirked at my blushing.

I turned back around to Kelcie and stuttered, “H-He’s not my boyfriend.”

She looked astonished and then glanced from Nate to me and then to Nate and then back to me again. “Oh! Well, he’s very, very handsome! Don’t let him get away from you!”

I turned and saw Nate trying to hold in a laugh, and I could feel my cheeks getting even redder!

GREEAAATTT!!!! Just what I need at a moment like this!

I opened my mouth to protest, but she interrupted me and said, “Hey! You have to promise me that you won’t let him get away and be taken by a slut! You hear me! Promise me!”

“What?! I-I-I didn’t . . . He’s not my . . . I can’t pro . . . but ugh . . . please? Don’t make me promise!” I whined to her.

She put her hands on her hips and kept on.

What was the deal with this crazy lady! She just kept making me redder and redder by the second!

“Uh-uh! Nope! You HAVE to promise me! Look at this boy! He his too good-looking for him to be wasted on some whore! Sam, you can’t let him get away!” Kelcie protested.

Finally I happen to come up with a genius plan! Props to me!!!! Whooooo!!!

When she finally let me speak, I said, “But, Kelcie, he already has a girlfriend! Yah, her name is Kelly! She’s really, uh, pretty too. So I can’t promise anything, sorry.”

Her eyes lit up and she smiled and then turned to Nate, “Oh? Is she as pretty, sweet and nice as this young lady here?”

I was blushing so badly that I was on fire! How could this strange old lady be doing to me?! What did I do to deserve this kind of torture!?!?! WHAT?????

You stole the last cookie from the jar! You criminal! This is God’s way of saying, ‘The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!’

OMG!!! You’re right! I’m doomed!

You’ve lived a great life, honey! You lived a great life, let go!

What do you mean I’ve lived a great life?! I haven’t even lived half of my precious life yet! I haven’t been kissed in the rain! I haven’t owned a dog yet! I haven’t even had sex yet! I’m haven’t even been in love yet! I can’t be dieing now! No!

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