Chapter 48

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Was this really it? Was I going to kiss Nate Vernon? Sadly, though, God still found it necessary it torture me and I never kissed him.

“Sam! Nate!” I heard Jessie yelling at us. We both jumped away from each other like we had the plague. I couldn’t help but to smile at the thought of how ridiculous we looked to Jessie, and then blush because I almost kissed Nate.

We both looked at Jess as she ran up waving something in her hands. I smiled at her and said, “Hey Jess, what’s up?”

She finally reached us and kept taking big long breaths.

“Easy tiger, don’t wanna hurt yourself now,” smirked Nate, completely unaffected by the fact that we ALMOST kissed and that my heart was still racing at a gazillion miles per nanosecond.

Jess glared at him and managed to insult him through her deep breaths. “Shut up…….*breath* you…..*breath* ass…..*breath* HOLE!!!!!!”

I just had to laugh at her. She was so cute. She tried to look mean and threatening, but just managed to make herself look innocent and adorable.

“Anyways! Look at this!” she cried holding up the bright blue piece of paper. “It’s a dance! It’s the Spring Formal!”

I couldn’t help a smile and suddenly think of Nate, and then Jess said excitedly, “John just asked me today! And it’s next Friday, so Sam, you and I can go dress shopping this Thursday, tomorrow, kay?”

The smile fell and was replaced with shock. “What?! I can’t go. I might have to work, and I don’t have a date, and I don’t know when I'll get my check, so I might not have any money, and who knows what my……..parent……will say,” I just started rambling.

Jess held up her hands and silenced me from making a bigger fool outta myself. Her happiness was gone, but then replaced quickly as Nate spoke.

“Don’t worry Sammy, I’ll be your date. Besides, we both know as soon as we heard the word ‘dance’ you thought of me.”

I blushed furiously and then retorted trying to save my pride, “Psssffft.”

Yeah, that’s all I had. I didn’t want to lie, but I didn’t want to just say nothing, so my brilliant mind came up with that.

I turned away from him and folded my arms in defiance. “Oh come on Sam!” cried Jess. She really wanted me to go, and I wasn’t going to go alone, so I had to go with Nate. Not that I minded of course, but he didn’t need to know that. I turned back around and then nodded slightly, trying to cover up the fact that I did want to go with him.

His eyes lit up and a slight smile made its way to his face. “Good. Oh, and just to make you feel better, we’ll go just as friends.” He turned and walked towards his car leaving me with Jessie.

I don’t know why, but that sentence, it cut into me, deep. Just friends? Why did that hurt so bad? I guess I know why, because I didn’t want to be just friends, I wanted to be more, so much more.

Stupid feelings.

“Hey! Yoo-hoo!! Sammy?” Jessie continued yelling and waving her hand wildly in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance and then looked at her with what I can assume was a blank expression.

“You okay hun?” she asked worriedly.

I nodded, trying to cover up how I felt. I can tell you I obviously didn’t do a very good job because she instantly put on an I-so-know-you’re-lying look. I huffed because I knew exactly what she wanted and I didn’t want to tell her.

“Jeeeessssssssss, please don’t make me tell you. You don’t wanna hear this, please?” I pleaded, pathetically.

She simply closed her eyes and shook her head firmly. “Nope! You have to spill the beans sweetie-pie. Tell me EVERYTHING on the way to my house.”

I sighed because there was just no use arguing with her, she was stubborn, and I loved her for it. Whether I admit it or not, deep, deep, deep down I wanted to tell someone, I needed to.

So on the way to her house, I told her everything, and I mean everything. I even told her how confused I was and why I didn’t want to admit anything to him, because he doesn’t like me in the same way and blah, blah, blah.

When I pulled in her driveway she just sat there, staring at me with a thinking expression on her face. I just wanted her to say something, just a small reassurance I guess.

She took a deep breath and I was hung on it until she finally said something. “Does he like chocolate chip pancakes as much as you?”

Her face was dead serious.

I was shocked and dumbly began answering her question. “W-Well, yes….hey! How do you know that I love chocolate chip pancakes?!”

She just smirked at me mischievously, “I have my ways dawling.”

I smiled and she continued. “I think he is perfect for you, and that he likes you, a lot. Probably more than a lot, but I mean who really knows besides him right? I mean, look at all the signs. He stares at you, kisses your neck and holds you against him twice! Then stares at your body and saves you from Kale about 3 times, I think it was? Plus! He gets jealous of other guys when they are teasing you and coming on to you, I see it all the time. So, in my opinion, he digs you and you should just come out with it already.”

I just sat there staring at my window shield. I didn’t want to admit anything so I randomly said, “So I’ll pick you up in the morning?”

She smiled knowingly and then nodded, “Sure hun. See ya Sammy!”

She hopped out of the car and ran to her door. I made sure she got in safe and sound because I'm just that awesome of a friend….Tehe, and then pulled out of the driveway.

I was kinda in a trance as I drove to my house, just thinking and mulling over everything. That’s what I do when I drive alone. I absolutely love driving, and it helps me think about things. Yeah, yeah call me weird or whatever.

I pulled into the driveway and saw that my dad’s car was here, meaning he was inside, most likely drinking his ass off. I was scared outta my mind. In fact I was shaking as I tried to get my key into the hole in order to open it.

I opened it as silently as I could and stepped inside, trying to be all ninja like. Then, yeah, knowing me, I tripped. Since when did we have a rug by the front door? Well I tripped on that and my keys flew up into the air, jingling and then when my arms hit the floor, so did my keys.

Needless to say, I made a crap load of noise. For a second there, I didn’t even dare to breathe, much less move a muscle. I was terrified of moving, but once the house was quiet, I let out a huge breath. I let my head fall to the floor in relief.

I guess I acted too soon, for I suddenly heard my father’s booming voice, “SAM! What the fuck is all that noise?!”

I rolled my eyes and then stood up, straightening my clothes out and picking up my stuff. I heard his loud, angry footsteps in the living room, and just as I was halfway up the steps, I heard him behind me.

“I asked you a fucking question whore! Why the hell do you need to make a shit load of noise! I have a bad fucking hangover, have some respect for others and shut the fuck up!” he yelled standing at the base of the stairs.

I turned around, super fed up with his bullshit. I glared at him and spat back, not even thinking, “Respect?! I tripped and fell! By accident! You don’t fuckin respect me when you shout at me and hit me and call me names, do you?! No! You don’t! So excuse me for being a little clumsy and making a tiny noise when you have a FUCKING hangover from drinking and acting like an ASSHOLE every night!”

With that being said, I turned around and stomped up to my room. It wasn’t until I got there and slammed my door shut, did I realize what I had just done. It hit me like a hurricane. My body began shaking as I began anticipating, and imagining what he was going to do. I might actually die today if I don’t do something!

I stood up and looked for my phone, quickly. I needed to at least be able to call 911. I found it and called Nate.

Please be home, please be home, and please be home already.

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