Chapter 3

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I had been driving around, speeding and getting the feel of my new badass car, when I felt my phone vibrate. I saw the caller i.d. read: Mommy.

I picked it up and spoke happily into the phone, “Hello mommy!”

“Hi Samantha, um, are you and Nate having a good time?”

“Oh, um, no he decided to go somewhere else, I don’t know. Tell dad I’m going to be hanging out with Nikki, okay? Love you!” I called as I quickly hung up the phone.

No way was I going to just hang out with Nikki; we were going to party tonight!

I called her and then told her that we were going to go to Holiday’s, a club I passed on my way to her house. She immediately agreed. She was one of my friends here in California when we visited my aunt.

I drove over to her house and when she saw my ride in the driveway, she gapped.

“Oh My God is this yours?” she gasped.

I shut my door and beamed, “Yeah! My parents just gave it to me! I missed you Nikki!”

She jumped on me and pulled me into a hug, and then replied, “Hell yeah! It’s been like what . . . three years?”

When we finished catching up, it was around 6 at night, and then we decided that we would go to the club.

When we arrived, Nikki knew the place, and the bouncer, so we got in real easy. I walked in with Nikki and suddenly noticed that liquor musky smell lingering around me indicated that there was a bar.

I was pulled over to it, and she instantly ordered me a beer. I downed it and realized that there was a stage and karaoke. I swayed slightly to the music and I heard Nikki shout at me through it, “Why don’t you go and sing?”

I turned to her and gulped, “W-What?”

She smiled and then pointed to a guy on the stage who was staring at us, “He's been staring at you for ever, go up and flirt.”

I looked towards the guy and he had brown shaggy hair and blue eyes, he was pretty cute. He was playing the drums, not to be picky but I was more into the guitar.

I gave her a sly smile and then replied, “Why not? It is my first day back.”

I strolled up to the stage when he asked for volunteers, and when I stepped up to the stage, I leaned into the group of hot guys,

“Do you guys know Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?” I asked.

They smiled and then nodded, but the drummer tried to be seductive and replied, “Anything for you babe.”

I faked a smile and then when the guitarist started, I quickly scanned the crowd and then started singing.

When I see your smile

Tears run down my face I can't replace

And now that I'm strong I have figured out

How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul

And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

I will never let you fall

I'll stand up with you forever

I'll be there for you through it all

Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Seasons are changing

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