Chapter 49

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I stared out my window at his and noticed that the curtains were pulled back, but he wasn’t in sight. My heart fell a little at this, but I still waited for him to answer. Please, please, please!

“Hello?” I heard his deep, sexy, husky voice on the other side. Inside I was repeatedly thanking my lucky star. Yes, I have one.

“Nate!” I gasped out in relief. “Are you home? Please tell me you’re home!” I said.

He chuckled slightly, almost nervously and answered, “Yes, I’m just heading up to my room. I just got in, why?”

I was just about to tell him, when my door flew open and hit the opposite wall with a loud bang! I jumped in fright, and turned around slowly. There stood my dad with a scary look on his face. He almost looked like a bull, ready to devour the man with the red blanket.  

He glared at me with all the power in the world. “Do you really think that you can talk to me like that and get away with it?”

I whimpered and cowered in a corner shaking like a rattle in a little baby’s hand. My thoughts were jumbled and I could hear Nate’s voice on the phone. I couldn’t make out any words; my mind was fogged with fear. I blinked and tried to focus on Nate and heard him say,

“Sam! Are you okay? Talk to me! What’s happening?!” he shouted frantically.

I closed my eyes, knowing I might not live through this, and whispered into the phone, “I’m sorry.”

I felt the blow to my face and screamed in pain as my head hit the wall. I felt him rip the phone away from my hands and then grab my jacket and shirt in his fist, and fling me across the room. Tears were falling freely now, and seeing the distance he had thrown me, landed me right in my doorway.

I scrambled to my feet, thinking if I could make it to my door then I could make it to Nate’s house. It would take a miracle. And I was fresh out of miracles. I made it to my stairway, and then started to crawl down the steps. I was almost to the bottom, when I felt the stairs shaking slightly, and then a sharp pain in my side. I flew down the stairs and hit the wood floor. I moaned and looked up at my father, his aura was raging, and his eyes were boring a hole through my body. I couldn’t seriously be giving up now! I needed to live! Nate hasn’t found out how I feel about him yet!

I tried scooting backwards, moving to the door, but the pain was too great. I winced and whimpered as pain shot a course through my body. My eyes never leaving Jim’s figure, afraid that if I did, he would suddenly become a ninja and start beating me to death sooner than I planned.

I blinked away the hot tears and felt my hand up the door, and cringed as more pain rung throughout me. I felt the doorknob and was just about ready to turn it when he jumped to the floor and grabbed my neck. I screamed and turned the doorknob, but he threw me through the air and I landed somewhere in the living room. I felt my shoulder being bruised from the impact, and clutched it trying to soothe the pain. Jim followed me into the room, his fists clenched in rage.

“Now, you’re going to get it sweetheart. I’m going to teach you what I taught your mother! Not to talk back!” he thundered at me.

I stared in shock. What?

Suddenly, I saw his fist speeding towards me and I barely had enough time to turn my head. His blow landed on my head, causing me to tumble to the side, and I just felt the kicks to my stomach. He let up for a second and lifted me up so he could look at my face.

It was tear-stained and most likely had blood dripping down the side. My eyes fogged and bloodshot. I was losing consciousness, I saw him smirk and then his fist came down at me. I lost consciousness as he dropped me to the floor.

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