Chapter 37

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I turned around and saw Brett staring at two guys coming in the house.

“Ah shit,” sighed Riley.

“You said it bro,” said Rick.

“What’s up?” I asked not getting any of this. “Who are they?”

Brett leaned towards me and then whispered, “That blonde guy is Noah Holt, and the shorter one with the brown hair is Tim Velasquez. They are on the Wildcat soccer team. Nate and Jared beat them last year in the championships. Well, they kinda squired them; the score was Trojans 26 to 7. Yeah it was pretty bad.”

“So, why are they bad news? Why don’t you guys like them?” I asked.

“Well, they hate Nate because he was or is the captain, and Jared is the co-captain. Noah and Tim never really got over the defeat. They hate Nate and Jared down to the bone. And vice versa,” Brett finished explaining.

“Oh,” I said finally understanding.

“Well, that and they are total assholes to everyone that doesn’t go to their school, cept the ladies of course,” finished Brett.

 I rolled my eyes and heard RoRo whispering next to me.

“Why are they even here?” asked Riley.

“Beats me bro . . . they are nothing but big fucking . . .”

“Assholes!” finished Riley.

“Well, make them leave,” I said interrupting. “After all, it is your party!”

They looked at each other a moment and then replied, “Eh, it’s not that big of a deal.”

“Yeah, Rick’s right. As long as there’s no fighting, it fine,” said Riley.

I rolled my eyes and went to find Jessie after saying goodbye to RoRo, Brett, and Matt.

I found Jessie dancing with John on the dance floor and quickly cut in, stealing Jessie.

“Hey! Mind if I steal Jessie from you!” I shouted.

“Why?!” John asked still grinding on her.

“Well, she’s kinda my best friend, I wanna dance with here!” I said back.

The song changed to Rude Boy by Rihanna and he smirked at me, “Why not just join the fun Sammy?”

Jessie turned and had the same smirk on her face, “Yeah, Sam. Join the fun!”

I shrugged and began dancing with them all.

We danced for hours . . .

 ♦ About 4 hours later ♦

I was bushed!! I was currently cooling off and drinking water while Jessie danced with John . . . she was drunk and he wasn’t . . . he had driven here.

Aw, he was a great a boyfriend. He didn’t try to take advantage of her when she was drunk, didn’t drink when he was driving home, and loved her when she was acting like a complete retard. He has earned my approval.

The music was lowering, as in the volume was slowly decreasing as people began to leave. There were still a lot of people here, even though people had left.

I decided to go out side for some fresh air, and walked through the crowd toward the sliding glass door that led outback and too the pool. That’s when I spotted Kelly, and she was straddling a guy. A guy that wasn’t Nate.

She was kissing him furiously and he had his hands behind his head like he was just enjoying the show.

I suddenly saw Nate come up behind Kelly and pull her off him saying, “Get deeeee fuuuuckkkkk off my girlfriend!”

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