Chapter 29

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The picture on the side, is Sam's uniform, only a little less, erm, slutty lol


Sam’s POV

Take, a deep breath love. It’s only Nate, and he’s a smart, confusing, dumbass, asshole. Wow, that made no sense at all.

Hey, it’s called the morning, you have an excuse.

Oh? And what’s the excuse for talking to yourself?

Um, I believe that they refer to it as ‘insanity,’ but I’m not quite sure.

Hahaha, think you’re funny don'tcha?


Yeah, yeah.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I wearily walked downstairs and into the kitchen. There was French toast with strawberries and sausage. It looked freaking mouth-watering. Well, now that I think about it, I probably was drooling.

“Hey, Lund, wipe the drool,” Nate said laughing and using my last name.

I shot him a dirty look and sat on the stool beside him. A yawn made its way out of my mouth and I did that routinely hiccup thing of mine.

Nate side glanced at me, I saw, and I thought I saw a small, barely noticeable, but still there nonetheless, smile.

It was cute, in a sort of way.

My attention was quickly averted to the table as Jared set a plate full of the breakfast in front of me. The sweet aroma surrounded me and I smiled before digging in.

Once I was done with my delicious meal, yummy, hmmmm, French toast, I stood up and announced, “I call shower!”

Nate, Brett and Jared both hopped to their feet and started to protest. Suddenly, Brett announced, “I call shower too!”

I stared at him stupidly for a moment before I asked, “What?”

“I said I call shower. Except, I call the one in your dad’s room, Nate. I love his bathroom!”  

 I smiled and then replied, “Fine, I use Nate’s then.”

Brett caught Nate staring at him evilly and replied innocently, “What?”

“Great! Now I can never say that only guys have used that shower!” he protested.

I couldn’t help a small chuckle that erupted from my throat.

Nate’s head whipped around to face me but then quickly turned back to Brett.

“Wait, Kelly never used your shower before?” Brett asked.



“Why can’t Sam use my dad’s shower and you use mine!?” Nate whined.

I smiled slightly and then waited for an answer, “Well, because I absolutely love your dad’s bathroom! He has all these expensive little colognes and soaps and scrubby things in it! I wanna try them all!”

I cracked up laughing while Nate managed a slight, “Fine.”

I smiled and hopped up to the bathroom in his room. Great, his intense, overcoming, sexy scent filled my nostrils and I shivered involuntarily.

What was with this guy and him making me shiver in pleasure?! He did it even when he wasn’t around me! How is that possible?! I have no freaking clue! Why am I shouting at myself?! I have no idea!

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