Chapter 11

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“Jared! Brett! What are you guys doing here?!” I shouted through my giggles.

I was set down by Jared just to be swooped up by Brett, and swung around.

“Sammy! I missed you!!” whined Jared.

“Yeah, and now that we know where you live, we’ll be seeing more of you!” Brett yelled happily.

All this noise caused Nate to turn around on the couch and giggle at us. Jared and Brett shot him death glares and then spat at him playfully,

“Nathan! How could you keep this amazing person all to yourself?!?! From what I can tell you’ve been here all morning hanging out with her!”

Jared but in shooting his two sense in too, “Yeah, what’s the big deal man?”

I sighed while leading them into the living room where Nate was comfortably lounging on the loveseat.

“Actually, we haven’t been here all morning. I spent the night at Nate’s house, and came over here to take a shower,” I put in.

They gapped and me and then turned all their fury towards Nate. “Nate! You had a slumber party with Sam and you didn’t invite us?!” Jared shouted.

“Dude! I love you and all, but I’m seriously considering shooting you! How could you keep her all to yourself! You didn’t even bother to tell us!” Brett agreed.

I was secretly laughing at all of this and then when Nate shushed them, I began to explain what happened and all about Kale.

Their eyes widened involuntarily and each of their mouths hung open as I explained to them what Kale did and what he said.

“Douche-Bag! Fucker Shit Piss!!” cursed Jared.

“Dammit! Fuck! Shit! Fucking dipshit!” agreed Brett.

Then Nate went on with his side of the story, and then throwing in the part about Kelly.

Apparently, Kelly, was Nate’s girlfriend! And I was kissing him! I'm a whore!

No you’re not!

Yes I am!

He kissed you too!


Fair enough!

I mentally calmed myself down, and went back into the conversation. Jared and Brett would groan when Nate mentioned Kelly and Nate would just yell for them to shut up.

“Hey! She’s my girlfriend whether you like it or not! So just get over it!” he yelled.

Brett faked coughed. *cough*whore*cough*cough*

Jared snickered and then Nate went on and when he came to the part about Kelly calling again Jared decided to have fun.

“*cough* slut *cough cough*” Jared said and Brett giggled softly.

I had to let a small smile spread onto my face. It was just too much to handle and I could almost feel the death glares that Nate was shooting them.

 “Guys! What is the big deal with this girl Kelly?” I asked wanting the full story.

Nate turned towards me and then sighed as if regretting something, “Well, um, Kelly, is, my, uh, um, girlfriend.”

I nodded understanding and then smiled, “So why do Brett and Jared keep saying she is a slut and a whore?”

He glanced at the boys threateningly and then cough, “Well, they think that Kelly cheats on me, BUT! I know she doesn’t!”

I nodded and then heard someone mutter under their breath, “That’s what he thinks.”

Nate stood up and then growled at them, “Quit it! I’m so sick and tired of hearing you bag on my girlfriend! Just stop it already!”

Then, Nate stood up roughly and then stomped out my front door and slammed the door behind him.

I glanced at Brett and Jared who were sitting normally on my couch smiling and smirking at the same time.

“He’ll get over it,” put in Jared.

“Yeah, he usually does. Just give him a few,” added Brett. He ran a hand through his brown hair and stared at me with his deep green eyes.

Finally Jared stood up breaking the silence and said loudly, “Well, this is not awkward at all . . . So . . . Sam!? Where are your parents?”

Brett scoffed and then hit Jared upside the head, “Stupid! Weren’t you listening?!”

Jared looked hurt for a split second and then put on an innocent look, “What? No?”

Brett sighed deeply and then frowned, “She said that her parents left her here for a whole week and went to Fiji! God! Dumbass!”

I giggled and then listened to them as they went on bickering like four year olds. I got up and went outside, just to look for Nate. To see if he was okay, with everything said about his girlfriend and everything.

She was probably really sweet and kind. Some nasty rumors were probably spread about her and Jared and Brett probably go the short end of the stick.

I opened the door and stepped outside. I walked slowly over to Nate’s house and when I got there I slowly knocked on the door before letting myself in.

I heard a sort of noise coming from up the stairs and I thought it sounded like crying. I rushed up stairs and then stopped when I got to his door.

I took deep breath and slowly pushed open the door and let out a short comforting whisper, “Nate?”

I could only stand in shock and gap at the scene before me. Well, I can tell you, the noise I heard could be considered a crying noise, but, it was not the one I thought it was.

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