Chapter 46

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I growled internally while a frown made its way to my face. Whoever ruined my breakfast was gonna get it!

I dropped my fork to my plate and hopped into the living room. I heard Nate trudging slowly behind me and softly smiled. As soon as I stepped foot in the living room, my smile fell. N-no…what is he doing here?

Why did Gerard even let him in?! I mentally smacked myself, twice. Why wouldn’t Gerard let him in, he is my damn father! He has no idea about the abuse and the…other stuff. He has every reason to trust and respect him.

I, on the other hand, have every reason possible, not to. 

I stared into my fathers cold dark eyes. Eyes that only I knew were harsh and cruel. He stared right back.

I couldn’t believe he was here, every bone in my body quivered with intense fear, and I couldn’t stop myself from shaking.

All my focus was on him.

I wouldn’t speak to him if I didn’t have to.

“Sam.” His voice was cold and hard, with a hint of fake concern. Probably to keep up the charade for Mr. Vernon and Nate. But I knew. I knew what he was really like. I didn’t need anyone else to know, I knew, and that’s all that mattered.

I didn’t reply. My voice was lost.

He glared harshly at me, giving me a look that said “you-better-straighten-up-or-there-will-be-consequences”. I still didn’t speak. Let me tell you, he looked so pissed.

“Sam? Are you okay?” Gerard asked, finally breaking the tension building up. Wait, what am I saying, the tension is still here!

I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away from my dad to even look at Gerard. I felt Nate’s arms slip protectively around my waist and I watched as my dad’s eyes flashed to Nate’s arms and then up to Nate.

“What do you think you’re doing with your hands all over my daughter?” he asked as calm as he could make himself.

Nate didn’t say anything, and figured that he was still angry at my dad for hitting me that one night I went to the bar, and when he first met Jared and Brett. My dad’s eyes were cold as he stared at Nate.

Then, quite harshly, he spat at Nate loudly, “What do you think you’re doing with your hands all over MY daughter?!?!?!”

It made me jump, but Nate just tightened his grip on me. I was sad to say, I loved it. He was protective of me.

My dad growled and suddenly Gerard stepped in. “Mr. Lund, I believe that Sam and Nate are together, now . . .”

“No, we’re not,” Nate said. His voice kinda scared me. It was deep, cold and harsh. I guess he was really pissed as well. Why, though? I haven’t told him about what extent my dad has gone to . . . yet.


I jumped back and kinda whimpered. I was scared. Nate pulled me protectively against his hard, warm chest. 

That’s when Gerard snapped into big-macho-fatherly-mode and spoke up, “Mr. Lund! Do not raise your voice like that to my son! He is MY son and not yours! Now, either you calm down, or leave!”

Man, I don’t think I've ever seen Gerard act that way before. It was scary, but in a nice, protective way. I wished my father was like that.

Jim (my dad), snapped towards Gerard, still angry and then whipped his head to me. “Sam, we are leaving!”

I winced at his tone, but nevertheless, I went to walk, but Nate’s arms pulled me tighter against him. For the first time since I walked into the living room, my eyes left my dad as I turned to face Nate.

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