Chapter 5

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This is how i pictured Brett in my mind. Only with gorgeous green eyes ^_^ 


Sam's POV

We walked into Henry's Ice Cream Shop on Rose St. and I instantly spotted other teenagers there, talking and laughing and eating. I walked up to the counter and sat down with Kale sitting right next to me.

An elderly lady sauntered up to us with a little pad in her hands and asked, "Hello dearies, what can I get you this evening?"

I smiled and then looked at Kale before smiling and answering, "I'd like a triple chocolate fudge brownie please with chocolate syrup."

I glanced back over at Kale and while he was ordering, I finally took in his appearance. He was wearing a black T-Shirt that said 'Korn' and black skinny jeans and a bright red studded belt. I smiled to myself thinking that it was so ridiculous that he dressed like an emo kid when he clearly wasn't. I caught him staring at me and I quickly averted my eyes.

We began talking and ate our ice cream when the waitress brought it. I carefully eyed his choice. It was pecan flavored ice cream. YUCK!!!!

Okay I tried this pecan ice cream once and it actually surprised me that it actually was ice cream. Grosssssss . . .  . . .  . . .

"So, how long have you been in the band?" I asked trying to make small talk.

He paused a moment and then smiled, "Well, ever since I met Brett and Jared. I guess they are kinda like my brothers if you wanna call them that. We met up one year in Band and well, kinda got together then. We aren't officially labeled or anything yet, but, we will soon. No worries."

I smiled, satisfied with that answer and asked another one, "Ummmm . . . . so how long have you known Nate?"

He looked me in the eyes and then changed the subject, "I don't wanna talk about Nate right now . . . Why don't you tell me about you?"

I was surprised and slightly creeped out by the way he said 'you' but let it go. "Umm . . . well, I moved here from Colorado with my mom and dad. Who by the way just left me for a whole week to go to the capital of Fiji, leaving me by myself, what great parents! I'm seventeen almost eighteen . . . my birthday's in April, April 1st to be exact. I just moved next to Nate and . . . I really don't know what else to tell you . . . I mean . . . what do you wanna know?"

He stared at me for a second and then laughed hysterically.

I stared back at him and then questioned, "W-What?"

He stopped laughing and then replied clearing his throat, "Umm, well, you're just really funny and . . . well never mind. Um, your birthday's on April 1st?

I nodded and he replied, "Well, Nate's is on March 28th . . . so you guys are like three days apart, wow."

My eyes lit up and then asked, "Nate is three days older than me? Awesome? I guess."

Then we talked for about an hour or two after that and when I finally got bored of our conversation, I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and gasped, "It's 9:30 already! Come on Kale! We gotta go!"

I pulled him up and off the stool and dragged him outside and to his car. "Come on!!" I yelled at him.

He scoffed at me and then replied, "Chill out Sam, you'll survive a little while longer."

I ignored him and silently cursed myself because I knew he was right. I was getting worked up over nothing and he actually agreed to comply with going home. I sighed and opened the door to his Ford Mustang.

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