Chapter 32

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When I woke up I was greeted by my alarm clock, telling me to get my ass outta bed and hurry up.

I groaned and made my way to the bathroom to get ready and all that good stuff. I grabbed a blue lacy tank top, and a pair of jeans shorts and threw them on. I shoved my cell phone in my back pocket and slipped my studded converse on and grabbed a black and gray zebra striped jacket out of my closet.

I put a blue sequined bow on the side of my head and put blue dice earrings in. I glided on some light pink gloss and was out my door.

I went directly down to the kitchen, my dad nowhere to be seen. Thank God. I poured myself some cereal and poured milk into my Coco Pebbles.

I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out.

1 New Message.

I opened the message and it wass from Brett.

Knock knock !!Rainbow Smileys!!

I stared down the message before a heard a knock on my door. I didn’t even have time to get to my door before it opened and Brett, Jared, Nate and Kelly walked through.  

Wait, KELLY?!?!?

Yep, it’s Kelly for sure.

What the fuck was she doing in my house?!?!?!?!

I greeted all of them with a warm smile, except for Kelly. Her’s was a forced smile, at least, it was on my part.

“Hey guys. What are you doing here?” I asked them as they all followed me into the kitchen.

Jared answered first, “I’m hungry and Nate can’t cook breakfast for shit!”

I laughed and was about to say something when Kelly’s shrill voice filled my kitchen, “Hey! Don’t say that about my baby!”

I cringed as did everyone else, “U-Um,” I attempted to say nicely, “He was just messing around, Kelly, but even if he can’t cook breakfast, it’s okay.”

Jared and Brett snorted at Kelly but got a hard glare from Nate. I smiled at Nate and he attempted to smile back.

“Okay, um, who wanted cereal?!” I offered loudly trying to lighten up the tension.

Jared snorted and then commented, “Cereal? Is that the best thing that you have here?”

I crossed my arms and huffed, “Well, on such short notice, yes, it is!”

Nate smiled and then spoke up for the first time while being here, “Coco Pebbles?! I love Coco Pebbles! Gimmie gimmie gimmie!”

I laughed and poured him a bowl and then slid it across the counter top towards him.

“Hold up. I gotta use the bathroom real quick,” said Nate sliding out from under Kelly.

I did the same for Jared and Brett and then just as I was about to put the cereal in my mouth I heard a loud gasp and my head shot up, looking for the owner.

I saw Kelly with a hand over her heart, gapping at me shocked.

“What?” I questioned. All eyes were on her and me. I shifted uncomfortably.

“Sam?! How can you eat all those calories?!” she gasped.

I stared at her unbelievingly for a moment and cracked a smile thinking she was joking. “What? Are you serious?” I asked her.

“Yes! I mean, no wonder you’re a little on the fat side . . . you keep eating all these calories! Gosh, you’re such a pig!” she said like she totally wasn’t just a bitch.

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