Chapter 23

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Jessica is portrayed by Demi Lovato...shown by the picture on the side thingy lol


I grunted and flew backwards on my back. I just lay there for a moment, trying to recollect my thoughts, and brain for that matter when I heard a hysterical voice.

It was a girl’s voice, and I could tell she was laughing. I opened my eyes and cute girl stood above me with a smile on her face. I could tell that she was trying to contain it but it seemed impossible for her.

She had brown wavy brown hair and a big smile and gorgeous brown eyes. I suddenly burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it, but I did.

She looked at me weird for a second and then continued to laugh at me. We laughed for about three more minutes before she calmed down and so did I.

She stuck out a hand and I took it gratefully, “Thanks.”

She smiled and then looked me over, “Are you Samantha Lund? The new girl?”

I nodded correcting her, “Sam, everyone calls me Sam, unless I’m in trouble.”

She looked at me quizzically and then shrugged, “Cool. I’m Jessica Harlow. Do you need help with you classes, or anything?”

I was about to nod, but she turned around and got whatever she was getting from her lockers. She shut it and flicked the dial a couple times.

I couldn’t help but to scrutinize her outfit when she turned around and I noticed her jeans. They were the exact same ones as me which was cool. Still, all in all, I love her style.

Jessie turned around and smiled at me, “Okay then Sam! Let’s get to your first class!”

We started walking around slowly when suddenly she burst out and smacked her own forehead, “Oh my fucking God! I totally forgot to ask you . . . where’s you locker?”

I laughed at her loud shouting and then replied, “I dunno. I didn’t even look.”

She shook her head at me and then laughed sticking out her hand motioning me to hand her my schedule, “Silly girl. Where would you be without me?”

I shrugged handing her my slip of paper and replied without thinking, “I dunno, still on the floor back there, I guess.”

She giggled and her eyes lit up when she found what she was searching the paper for.

“Here!” She showed me the place on my paper where my locker number was and the combination. My locker number was 1078 and its combination was 26-16-6 (A/N: That was actually my combination last year! Weird? Yah!).

She took my arm and dragged me towards the lockers, and she suddenly gasped out excitedly, “There it is! Sam! 1078! Uh-Eww . . . whore and whore sucking face . . .”

I looked to where she pointed and right by locker #1078 was two people making out. It was a blonde chick and black guy. The guy looked like a player and the girl was wearing a micro mini skirt and a white V-cut t-shirt with very familiar looking knee high boots.

It was really gross looking. I mean, I think its okay when you are just making out where there are like slim to no people, but when there are a shit load of people around, it’s just nasty. Not only that, but the guys hands were to her bra and squeezing her fake tits, and his tongue was everywhere, not just her mouth and she was making weird noises that I’m sure she was trying to make sound like a moan. I think she was just trying to damn hard, and everyone could tell it was fake, probably even the guy kissing her.

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