Chapter 40

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Nate’s POV

I was livid and driving like a crazy guy through the town on my way to Kelly’s. At least she could comfort me, or at least maybe she’d want to fuck like she always does and that would take my mind off everything. Well I hoped it would.

I swerved onto Brookly St. and found the house at the end. It was big, like huge. But still, it was too big…

I sped into the driveway, stormed to the door, and knocked.

No answer.

I had to calm myself down. I didn’t want to hit Kelly too. I’d be a fuckin abusive boyfriend. I didn’t want that. At all.

I sighed and opened the door, letting myself in.

I didn’t see any maids or anything like I normally do, so I thought that Kelly gave them the day off. It would make sense since she probably didn’t want anyone to see her like that.

Then again, she probably just but on buckets of makeup to cover it all up.

I walked up the stairs and went to her room. It really wasn’t that hard to find her room, it was a pink door with the words QUEEN BITCH on it, so yeah.

I heard movement down stairs before I opened the door and saw that a maid was just walking into the kitchen and began talking to someone.

I was about to go downstairs but then I heard voices on the other side of her door.

Oh god.

T-T-This cant-t-t-t be ha-ha-happening. . . .

Kelly was kissing and rubbing some guys cock half naked on her bed.

“What the fuck?!?!” I gasped out.

Kelly looked up and looked like someone tried to put makeup on a donkey. Yeah, terrible.

The guy underneath her was scared shitless. He looked like a sophomore, a tiny, scared, wimpy sophomore.

“Nate?” she asked. “W-What are you doing here?”

She was scared. She was scared because she was caught. She was scared because she was caught cheating.

That cheating whore.

“What the fuck is going on?” I asked quietly.

She rolled her eyes and stood up putting her bra back on. “Are you really that fucking dense?”

I did nothing, just stood in that doorway unbelievingly.

“Why?” I managed to croak out.

She took a deep breath, “Do you really think that I cared about you? Pfft, I was only in it for the sex babe, well that and I had to keep my reputation up. I couldn’t be seen with just anybody!”

It felt terrible. I felt terrible.

“S-So…it was all a lie?” I asked.

“Haha, baby, I USED you! I really thought that you knew but hid it. Why are getting worked up about this?! It’s not that big of a fucking deal! So you caught me cheating on you….it’s nothing compared to the amount of times I cheated and you didn’t catch me!” she said.

My mouth dropped. She was cheating on me! This whole fucking time!

“You lying whore! You cheated on me this whole time!? I defended you, stood up for you, yelled at my friends for you, yelled at Sam for you, hurt Sam for you! This is how you fuckin repay me?” I lost it. “I never wanted to do those things I did to her, I never wanted to yell at her, hurt her the way I did!”

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