Chapter 38

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I woke up with a killer headache and voices swimming around in my head.

“Waght . . .” I asked trying to open m eyes.

I opened them and immediately saw Brett worried but happy face. “Sam!”

I clutched my head and fell back towards the bed. “Ahh!” I groaned loudly. I heard Brett gasp and then I opened my eyes fully and saw that I was back in my room. Brett was sitting on my desk chair, but he rolled it over to my bedside.

“Sam? Are you okay? How are you feeling?” he asked in a quieter voice.

I glanced down and saw that I was in one of my t-shirts and booty shorts. 

I slowly looked back up at him and before I could ask, Brett said, “Yes, I changed you.”

I nodded and then my thoughts flew back to last night, “What happened to Nate?! Is he okay?!”

Brett smiled and then began to explain, “Yeah, he’s okay. He’s gonna have one hell of a headache today though.”

“What happened?” I asked him sitting up and popping the Advil that was on my nightstand.

“Well after you kicked Tim’s ass, which was EPIC by the way, Noah was getting too rough and smacked you. You fell into the pool and then Matt dove in and rescued you from drowning. You were out cold.

Then, Noah tried to go back and beat up Nate, but Riley and Rick quickly threw him out, along with Tim. Then Nate just collapsed on the floor. I took you and Nate home. Riley took Kelly home, and let me tell you, she looked like she got hit by a fucking bulldozer you should see it . . .”

I laughed a little and then explain to him what happened.

“Holy shit! You did that!” gasped out Brett.

I nodded and then looked down at my knuckle which was bruised. Then I noticed two other big bruises. They were on my wrists from when Tim grabbed me.

“I know. Those are pretty gnarly looking babe. You got pretty rough last night. You were out throughout the whole night,” said Brett.

I looked at the clock and it read 4:34 p.m.

“You were here the whole night and all today?” I asked unbelievingly.

He nodded and then sheepishly looked up at me, “Yeah, I kinda raided your fridge too. I hope you don’t mind.”

I brushed it away and then noticed that Yuki was curled in a ball at the end of my bed. She was sleeping soundly. I wanted to stroke her soft fur, but I wanted her to sleep.

“Thank you Brett, for being there for me . . .” I thanked him.

He looked at me weirdly and then replied, “No problem babe.”

I suddenly felt nature calling to me and rushed to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower and all that.

When I finished straightening my hair, and putting on my mascara and eyeliner, I walked out in my towel. I saw that Brett was on my laptop and an outfit was already laid out on the bed.

“Gee thanks Brett,” I said picking up the Nirvana t-shirt and the shorts.

I walked to my drawers and put on a bra and some underwear, and then I pulled on a zebra sock and then closest I came to a match was a rainbow zebra sock. Be proud of me.

I walked out and went to slip on my studded converse when Brett stopped me, “Nu-uh!”

I stopped and then turned to him. “Why?”

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