Chapter 17

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I took no second thought to slamming the door shut. I was about to lock it when I saw that Kale had stuck his shoe in between the door and the frame so it wouldn’t close. I shouted in frustration as I pushed against the door and kicked at his foot. “Kale, you physco! Get your big ass foot outta my house!”

I was panicking. Kale was trying to force his way into my house and on top of all that, it was a thunderstorm! Isn’t this a great fucking day!?

Suddenly I heard Kale growl and then I saw the door come closer to my face with excessive speed. Next thing I knew I was on the ground and my world was dizzy. I tried to focus on my surroundings and the first thing I saw was Kale’s not so pretty face staring down at me.

I gasped and tried to get up, but Kale grabbed hold of me by my upper arm and yanked me up towards him. I wailed slightly and tried to jerk my arm from him, but he was ready for that. He gripped my arm tighter and then forced me roughly into a wall. My back hit the hard surface hard, and I felt him press himself up against me.

“You still think that I’m insane?! Huh?!” he shouted.

I replied, “Kale, please get out! Get off me!”

He smirked and then replied, “No way sweetheart! Not for all the whores in this city! I would rather have you all to myself and nobody else’s!”

I blinked back tears and tried to scream but Kale forced his mouth on mine. I squirmed and tried to get him off my face, but he was too determined.

I screamed into his mouth and he took it as an invitation to thrust his tongue into my mouth. I fought back with my tongue and he must’ve thought that I was kissing him back because he groaned in pleasure.

I resorted to my plan B, and bit down on his tongue. He yelped and pulled back.

“Oww! You bitch! That fucking hurt!” he yelled at me slapping me hard across the face and nursing his mouth.

“It was supposed to hurt, stupid!” I spat back and before I knew it, I had kneed him in the groin and he toppled over in pain.

I made a run for the stairs and I tore up them, crashing into my room and slamming the door shut. I collapsed to the floor and tried to focus in on my pitch black room but, my senses weren’t working correctly.

I scrambled over to my window and tried to open the window in my panicking state. I screamed in frustration as I watched my fingers frantically try and open the lock on the window. It wouldn’t budge!


I heard clomping up the stairway and I whipped my head towards the door. I need to keep him from getting in! I started to run across my room to the door, but before I even got close to it, it was flung open and there stood Kale, looking pissed as ever.

I was shaking as tears threatened to flow. I was so scared that even my tears were afraid to come out! =]

I pushed myself backwards and flung myself at the window. I heard Kale doing something behind me, but paid no attention to him.

My mind was on one thing now, getting Nate’s attention. His curtains were open and his light was on, so I knew that he was in there.

Please! Just come in front of the window! Please, for God’s sake!

I began screaming, “Nate! Help! Please!” I pounded with all my energy against my window causing it to rattle but that was about it. It didn’t even crack! Fuck!

Tears finally fell and I felt hot breath against the back of my neck and I whipped my head around and came face to face with Kale’s smirking face.

He raised his hand and through the light coming in through the window, I saw as it came down with immense speed towards my head.

I felt the stinging of his slap against my cheek as I fell to the floor.

I pushed my self as hard as I could to my feet and tried to make a dash for the door when I felt myself being jerked back by my hair. I felt the hard cold surface collide with my head and I began to feel dizzy. I was aware as kale picked my up and brought me to the bed.

I heard a jingle noise and I saw as he pulled his belt out of the loops and tightly bind my wrists together, and then tie it to the bed frame. I screamed and the next thing I new, Kale was atop me, almost naked.

I felt blood in my mouth as I looked up at Kale. He was smiling menacingly and I shivered through my tears. “Come on, Sam, off with the naughty clothes.”

I spat blood in his face and shouted as loud as I could into his face, “KALE YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! GET YOUR NASTY BODY OFF ME!!”

He simply wiped the blood off his face and said into my ear, “I’d rather not. I’d rather taking your fucking virginity, and turn your innocent scam into what you really are . . . A FUCKING WHORE!”

Tears began falling constantly and I screamed as he ripped my shirt open and popped the button off my jeans.

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