Chapter 21

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Nate's POV

"What? Nate, you don't know a thing, so just stop pretending to try and intimidate me!" Sam ordered.

Wait, what? I intimidate her? Hahaha this is going to be fun!

She looked like she was going to move away but I moved closer to her, wanting to be closer, needing to be closer to her.

"I intimidate you, Sam?" I asked her with a small smirk playing on my lips.

Her eyes got wide and she began to stutter, "N-no, I was ju-."

I cut her off, I already knew the answer, but nevertheless I moved myself closer to her. I ignored my heart that was racing and concentrated on her. Her breathing stopped and she had a blush on her soft cheeks.

"I think I intimidate you, you're just afraid to admit it," I prompted.

She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, not looking me in the eyes.

I could feel her body heat clashing with my own I got goose bumps. I leaned my face into her neck and barely let my lips brush over her ear when I whispered, "Just admit it, Sam."

She shivered and I could feel my breathing start to pick up as my heart skipped a beat.

"I love the way you shiver every time I whisper in your ear," I whispered into her ear again. She shivered slightly and I couldn't help a small chuckle that escaped my lips.

Suddenly her eyes flashed and she shoved against my chest hard, pushing me away from her.

She looked pissed and sad at the same time. But still, she looked slightly confused, as was I. 

"Nate, just stop it. Whatever the hell you're doing just stop! Okay?!" Sam yelled in a low tone.

What? What was I doing that made her so pissed? Was it the fact that I was so close to her, and made her shiver?

But, before my thoughts could go any further, I had to open my big mouth, "Sam, what are you talk-?"

"I'm talking about you being an inconsiderate asshole! I'm talking about that night with Kale! I'm talking about when you dumped me on my ass and left for Kelly who was just trying to get attention and seem like she was pissed! That's what I'm talking about!" She yelled at me and then turned on her heels and ran outta my house.

What the fuck?

She's right you know . . .


ME AGAIN!!!! Why are we shouting?

YOU! You! Every single time something happens with Sam, you're always here! Why is that?

Maybe every time you're around Sam, you're a total and complete ASSHOLE!!

Hey! Hey! Don't take her side on this! You're my conscious! You're suppose to take my side!

No, no I'm not. I'll do whatever the heck I please!

Well, you're taking the wrong side! I did nothing wrong! She's just overreacting!

*gasp* How could you be so fucking cold! You saved her from Kale *cough cough* bastard *cough* and then you leave her for that slut you call a girlfriend! She was heartbroken and you know it!

This conversation is over! Kelly is not a slut and you know it! Why does everyone keep saying that? She's a sweetie and good girl, except in bed, and then she's a bad girl and needs to be punished.

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