Chapter 36

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At home, my dad was at work, I think. I was sitting against my headboard and Brett and Jared were lounging on my bed.

“Guys, I don’t know what to do. I need to tell him that she’s cheating on him, but I don’t want him to get mad at me . . . what should I do you guys?” I asked them.

“Well, if I was a guy . . .” Jared started to say, but then stopped himself.

“Did I just say if I was a guy?” he asked aloud.

Me and Brett looked at each other and then smiles spread on our faces.

Jared shook his head and then continued, “Okay, well, if I was a guy WITH a cheating girlfriend . . . I want someone to tell me, not let me be with a cheating whore.”

I sighed and then gripped my head, “But you’re forgetting, he thinks that she the perfect angel. And she’s not!”

I heard Jared and then Brett sigh and then Brett spoke up, “Sam, we just need to let him find out by himself. He’ll be broken, but it’s his fault if he didn’t want to listen to us. Just wait it out, that’s what we’re doing.”

I nodded slowly and then cursed myself repeatedly for not coming up with the courage to tell him.

“Okay guys, I'm gonna go take a shower and I need your help with my outfit, kay?” I announced and then walked into the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and then took my shower, shaving, shampooing, conditioning, and then washing myself.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body tightly. I towel dried my hair to the best of my ability and then opened the door.

“Sam!” Brett suddenly met me at the door.

I let out a short scream and clutched my heart, “Dammit Brett, don’t do that to me!”

He smirked a little and then said, “Darling, we need to do your hair and make-up! Go, go, and sit down. I’ll be right in!”

I rolled my eyes while turning away and sitting on a chair in front of the vanity mirror.

When I got there, as soon as Brett showed up, he turned my chair around and explained, “Uh-uh, no looking babe. I don’t want you to see until you are done!”

I groaned but nonetheless complied with his demands . . . it was kinda hard not to when the boy had a hot curler and a blow dryer in his hands.

I felt him blow dry my hair completely and then began to do my make-up, whilst not letting me see my face still, it was unnerving.

Then, he went back to my hair, using the curler, and curling strands of my hair.

Needless to say the whole process took about an hour or so . . .

When he was finally done, I felt him place a block bow securely in my hair and then stand me up.

“Yay! I’m done now! Whoo!” I cheered standing up.

Then Brett had to go and be a freaking kill joy and scolded, “Hey, hey, hey! Calm down sweet cheeks, and put on your clothes first!”

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest and then spat playfully, “What clothes?!”

Then Jared emerged from my closet holding a white summer dress, a black thong, and a magenta bra.

A huge smirk was plastered on his face as he sauntered over to me and handed me the clothes.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up . . .” I said while jerking the clothes from his grip.

I walked into the bathroom and pulled on the thong and bra and then slipped the dress over my head. It came down to a little under my middle thigh and I walked out.

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