The Past 2

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(Chester's P.O.V)

I was in the bathroom splashing water on my face. I was so tired I didn't want to go to this dumb youth center. People kept pounding on the door telling me to hurry up but, I didn't listen. My bipolar disorder was getting worse. Mrs. Mirabell could tell so she recommended me to this docter in Los Angeles. I don't know if I wanna go im still deciding. I told Winter and we got in a big fight. I decided to talk to the one person who would listen to me no matter what. Mrs. Mirabell.

Me-"Should I go to Los Angles." I say talking to her after the lesson.

Mrs. Mirabell-" Is this a trick question." She says filling out some paper work.

Me-"I need your help. Parts of me wants it go but, the other wants to stay here." I say looking the ground.

Mrs. Mirabell-" I think you should go. The only reason I recomened you was too help you. Up and till now you should be thinking about you. It was you decion not to take the pills and no you have to pay. You and Winter will meet again im sure of it."

Me-" When will the Bus leave."

Mr. Mirabell- Tommorw at 1.

Me-" Ok" I say walking toward the door.

Mrs. Mirabell- Goodbye Chester. You made the right choose."

Me-" I know."

(Next Day)

Winter-"I'm gonna miss you so damn much." She says giving me the biggest hug she's ever gave me.

Me-" I'm gonna miss you to. And the second I get better im taking the next bus back to long beach and coming right back to you.

Winter-" Well your bus is here. Bye Chester." She says wiping some years form her face.

Me-"This is not goodbye this is so long.

I hop on the bus and say goodbye to best friend for the last time. Me and her both knew that I wasn't coming back. When I got to the Hospital I was greeted by this nice lady. She told me to wait in the lobby and while I was waiting this weird boy say next to me.

Me-" Um.. Hi."

Boy-"Hey, what are you in for."

Me-" I have bipoler depression. What about you." I say looking around the nice hospital.

Boy-" I have to get my appendix taken out. By the way my name is Todrick.

Me-" My names Chester. Are you nervous about the surgery."

Todrick-" A little. Are you every scared about looseing it when it comes to your bipolar disorder."

Me-" Sometimes. I'm scared about blowing up to the people I care about."

Todrick-"It was really nice meeting you. This is the beging of a beautiful friendship." He gets up and goes with the nurse into a big room.

I decided to text Winter but, I forgot my phone died. Mrs. Mirabell really hooked me up. She was able to make me live with this nice foster famliy there really nice and sweet. This is the beginging of some new live but, really it's the beging a new me.

****** Hope that was good. The next few chapters are gonna be really cute and fluffy. I'm gonna give you guys a hint ok. Mitch and Avi are going to the "happiest Place on Earth" and no it's not the bedroom lol. Don't forget to comment and vote. Byesss


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