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(Avi's P.O.V)

I was woken up by the sound of Esther's phone ringing through the apartment.

Me-" Esther who's calling you." I say sitting up form her lap.

Esther-" It's dad he wanted to see if you were ok."

Me-" I kinda blew up on him."

Esther- "That's the thing I hate about you. You always blow up in the people you love. What's next your gonna yell at Mitch." She says standing up.

Me-" I hope not. The last thing I want to do is hurt Mitch."

Esther-" Good, well I should get going.

Me-" Ok, bye Esther I love you." I say going up to hug her one last time.

Esther-" I love you to and please promise me you won't to anything stupid.

Me-" I promise."

Esther-" No, sibling promise." I roll my eyes and go up to her and do this hand shake we came up with in high school.

Me-" There you happy."

Esther-" Yes, good bye Avi."


I go into the kitchen and get something to drink. In the corner of my eye I can see Mitch peeking out of the door like a scared child.

Me-" You can come out." I say with a cuckle.

Mitch-" Did you and Esther patch things up." He says walking towards me.

Me-" Yea I'm really happy you called her."

Mitch-"Me to."

Me-" How long were we asleep." I say taking another sip of my water.

Mitch-" About 2 and a half hours."

Me-" Felt like 30 minutes."

Mitch-" I'm really happy things are some what back to normal." He say hugging me.

Me-" Me to. I don't ever want to be that Avi again."

Mitch-" I wanna do something with you tomorrow." He say pulling away from the hug looking at me.

Me-" What you wanna do."

Mitch-" Anything as long as I'm with you I'm fine." I was about to speak until Winter called.

Me-" Winter's calling."

Mitch-" What the does she want."

Me-" I dunno." I put the call on speaker and listen to what she needs to say.

M-Hey Winter

W- Hey Avi

M- Why did you call

W- I need a favor a really big favor

M- What is it

W- I went to the docter to get checked out and everything and they told me that I might die during labor.

M- What do they mean die

W- They said that there's something wrong with my baby. They said one of the wires is atached to her throat and when she comes out it can kill her or me

M- So your telling me your willing to kill yourself to save your baby

W- Yes, and I just found out that I'm having a girl they think I'm having twins but there not sure

M- Why are you telling me this

W- Well when I die who's gonna take care of my bab or baby's. I was gonna ask Chester but, he's terrible when it comes to children. And I don't want my baby to go in to foster care.

M-So you want me to adopt your baby

W- Yes, that would mean a lot to me and please take your time deciding.

M- I will

W- You and Mitch would make really good dad's

Before I could answer she ended the call.

Mitch-" What are you gonna do."

Me-" No, what are we gonna do."

****** What are they gonna do? Don't forget to comment and. vote Byesss.

- Alysha

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