It'll Get Better

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(Mitch's P.O.V)

I hear a loud scream from bathroom and know what Avi's doing. He's cutting again. He promised me he would never cut ever again and he swor he wouldn't put a blade to his arm for the sake of his kids.

Me-" Avi, baby open this door." I say walking towards the bathroom door. I wait there for about 5 minutes and then I here him scream again. Hearing him scream made me want to cry but I had to be strong for Avi.

Me-" Avi please open the door."

Avi-"Leave me alone." He says in a hushed tone.

Me-"Are you crazy I'm not going anywhere."

Avi-" Mitch please leave me alone."

Me-" AVI MOTHER FUCKING KAPLAN OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" I say yelling at the top of my lungs.

He slowly opens the door his face drenched with tears. His hair was put in a messy bun and his clothes had blood all over them. His right arm a mess. We just look at each other untill I kiss him. I wraped my arms around him and undo his man bun.

Me-" Avi look at me." I say lifting his chin. " I love you more then words can explain and I HATE seeing you like this. Babe I know your in pain I know your hurting but, cutting isn't the way to go. I'm here for you im always gonna be here for you don't you ever forget that. I love you so much and in a couple of months I'm gonna be your husband. Don't do anything stupid that you will regret later." I say in a quit tone.

Avi-"I- I'm s- so sorry mi-Mitchie." He says stuttering form all the tears.

Me-"It's ok baby, I'm here for you." I say hugging him."

Avi-" Can we go into the twins room." He says asking like a child.

Me-" Sure." I say holding his hand walking towards Charlotte and Sebastian's room. He walks towards the kids and picks them up. He kisses there forhead and then starts speaking.

Avi-" Daddy has done some really dumb stuff and he's really sorry." He say looking at me then back to the kids " You guys mean everything to me and I would go the end of the Earth for you guys. I will try to be a better dad. Even though we just brought you guys home I feel like I'm not cut out to be a dad so I will try harder." He kisses them again and then walkes out, not even looking at me.

What the hell did he mean not cut out. He has father written all over him. He's gonna be and amzing dad no he is an amzing dad. I knew Winter's death would make him and me upset. I take death WAY differently then he does I just get  just  some ice cream and call kristie or  Scoot and I'm good depending on the person who died.But with Avi he does   terrible things to himself he doubts himself he hurt himself and I don't want that. I can understand why he's mad he just lost two people in a month. I just want him to know that I'm here and that I'm always gonna be here for him.

Me-" Avi what was that all about." I say pointing out the door.

Avi-" It was nothing, I just felt I had it tell my kids, you know." In my head I was like no I don't know but I let it slide beacasue I was in no mood to fight.

Me-" I know you don't want too but, we have to clean your cuts."

Avi-"I know but, can you call Esther."

Me-" Sure babe, anything else."

Avi-"Can you tell be you love me again."

I walk up to him are faces only inches apart and tell him those three words he needed to here. After I say it he shows me his wonder smile that I loved seeing and kiss him. Avi can't control his anger once he's mad there no stopping him. But the thing I love the most about Avi is no matter how crappy life seems he always manages to smile.

Don't forget to comment and vote. Byesss

- Alysha

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