Phone call

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(Avi's P.O.V)

I was woken up by the crying of one of my children. I rub my eyes and walk to the kids room and to see a crying Charlotte.

Me-" Charlotte honey what's wrong." I say lifting her up and rocking her back and forth. I go to the kitchen and make a bottle. The second I give it to her she stops crying. I go back to her room and sit in the rocking chair and rock her back to sleep.

Mitch-" Baby why are you in here?"He say I'm adorable sleepy vocie.

Me-" I guess I missed her to much." I say kissing her forhead.

Mitch-"Was she crying." He say walking towards us.

Me-" Yea, but you didn't here beacsue your a heavy sleeper." I say laughing.

Mitch-" She's asleep now lets go back to bed it's 4 in the morning."

Me-" There's just something about holding your kid you don't wanna let them go."

Mitch-" Babe I know but we need to go to sleep."I  roll my eyes and hand him Charlotte. He looks at her with loving eyes and just smiles like and idot.

Me-" I told you."  I say standing up to take Charlotte from his arms to put her back to sleep. Once she's in bed me and Mitch just watch Sebastian and Charlotte at the doorway.

Mitch-" Avi promise me something." He says looking deep into my eyes.

Me-" Yea, what is it."I asked worried.

He takes a deep breath and says"Promise me that no matter what happens we will be there for each other but most of all we will be there for are kids." I grap him by the waist at face only inches apart.

Me-"I promise." I say kissing him.

Mitch-" Then let's go to bed."

*Next day*

I get out of bed tired as hell I see that Mitch wasen't in bed so he probably went into the twins room. I go to bathroom and brush my teeth and walk out to see Mitch holding the twins singing them some lullaby.


Moonbeam and starlight, magical twilight
The warmest ray, here whispering  your names
Rainbows at midnight, sparkling night sky
Don't go away, stay another day

Me-" That was beautiful." I say when he's done.

He looks up from the twins his eyes red and puffy. Was he crying?

Mitch-" Thanks, my mom used to sing it to me when I little and it was in one of my favorite movies Rio 2."

Me-" Babe, were you crying your eyes are red." He looks at me then back at the kids. He puts them back in there cribs and comes back frowning.

Mitch-" Last night when we put Charlotte back to bed I couldn't sleep. I just wasen't tired. I'm just here lying in bed when I get a phone call from the hospital. I go down staries and answer it and find out its docter Jones. I think it has something to do with the adoption but it was something worst." He just brakes down and I run to him hugging him and brusing is hair.

Me-"Take your time babe." I say wiping his tears. He takes a deep breath and then speaks again.

Mitch-" She told me that W-winter died."

I look at him my eyes wide. I felt like someone just punched me in the gut. I look at him my eyes watery and just hug him. I cry in his arms like a little child.

Mitch-" Guess what her last wish was."

Me-" What." I say scared of the answer.

Mitch-" Her last wish was to see her kids." When he said that I just broke down.  I cried so hard but, I had Mitch and he helped me get through this.

Me-"She can't be gone." I say pulling away form the hug.

Mitch-" Sadley she is."

I push away form Mitch and ran into the bathroom. I told myself I would never cut again I promised Mitch. Cutting was a way to numb the pain. I'm so sorry Mitch. What kind of father am I. I go to the cabinet and get my my sharpest blade. I take a deep breath and put the blade to my wrist and let out a loud scream.

Don't for her to comment and vote.Byesss

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