Wedding Day pt.2

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I just noticed that I spelt reception wrong in the picture and I'm way to lazy to change it lol. M'kay back to the story.

(Avi's P.O.V)

I was standing at the alter staring at the door wating for Mitch to walk out. I noticed that a lot of people showed up. I could see Tyler, Connor, Mamrie, Grace, Todrick, Chester, Alex, and
a bunch of other people sitting in front of me.About 5 minutes went by and then the music started playing.

My cousin Alice came done the aisle throwing flowers everywhere being cute as always. Then it was Sebastian and Charlotte being carried by Scoot. Then the monment I've been waiting for years now. I see Mitch walk out with a Vail over his face. I couldn't help but laugh. His dad was walking him up but, everynow and then he would wipe his tears. He looked like an angle. He was my angel. When he finnaly reaches the alter I lift the vail from his face and smile in aww.

"You look wonderful." I say trying so hard not to kiss him right here and now.

"You look wonderful to." He says bitting his lip.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love that Avrial Benjermin Kaplan and
Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi have for each other." Kevin says smiling. I mean who else would I let officiate my wedding but, my best friend.

"Now who would like to start the vows first?"

"Me!" Mitch says rasing his hand. He grabes out a paper form inside his suit and speakes.

" When I first saw you I said oh my. I was like god damn he's hot and he's really sweet to. Now I promised my self I would never fall for a straight guy like EVER but, you changed that. Avi I love you so much. I love you to the point were it hurts." He stops looks at everyone and then wipes his eyes and speaks again " No I'm here standing at this alter with the man I love and I'm about to marry him. My life couldn't be happier I have charlotte and Sebastian and best of all I have you. I will never forget what happened in the studio and I hope you won't to." I look at him my eyes watery.

"Avi your turn." Kevin says nodding his head.

" Last night I stood up trying to find the right words to say to you and I finnaly did. Mitch I would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy." I say my vocie shakey." I don't want to live without you or be with anyone but you. What was I thinking dating girls when I had you, the greates man I will ever find in the entire world. I love you Mitchie." I say wiping my eyes. I hold his hand and look at the Kevin.

"Now may we please have the rings." He says looking at Esther.

"Here you go." Estshr says handing Kevin the rings. I take my ring and Mitch's takes his. I look at him and grab is left hand and put the ring in his finger. He takes a deep breath and grabs my hand and rubes my knuckles and then puts the ring on.

"You may know kiss the bride I mean husband." I was about to kiss Mitch untill he spoke up.

"I wanna be called a bride." He says looking at Kevin them back to me

" Is that why you wore a Vail?" He says rasing his eyebrows.


"Well in that case, you may kiss the bride."

I look at him and smile and then kiss him passionately. This kiss wasn't like any other kiss it was different. It was a good different. I pull away and look at everyone and here a loud applause. Me and Mitch hold hands and walk down the aisle. Everyone was throwing flowers at us and congratulating us. After we walk the aslile the fun begins. We get to party.

"How does it feel to be a Kaplan." I say kissing him.

"It feels really good." He says smiling.

"MAVI IS REAL I REPEAT MAVI IS FUCKING REAL!!!" Kristie say hugging us both.

"Hell yea it is, and you made a sexy bridesmaids."

"I guess your my brother-in-law." Esther says smiling.

"I guess." Mitch she hugging her.

" How was I bro?" Kevin say hugging us.

"Really good." I say smiling.

"Here you guys go." Scoot says handing us are kids.

" We missed you guys so much." I say kissing there heads.

" Avi can I talk to you." Chester say avoiding eye contact.

"Um, sure. Be right back bae." I say kissing Mitch.

"What's up."

" First of all Congrats." He says finally looking at me.

"Thank you Chester."

"Secound of all its about your kids."

"What about my kids." I say moving closer to him.

"I want to adopt them."

"No, are you fucking crazy." I say getting mad on my wedding day.

"It's for you and the kids safety."


"He wants them though, can't you see I'm trying to help you."

"How wants them."



"Winter's dad he wants to hurt them but, I can keep them safe."

"Chester today is my wedding and you just fucked it up so thank you for that. Now please get out of my face and if it's not to much to ask I would like it no love it if you would leave my fucking wedding NOW." I say balling up my fist.

"Fine I'll leave, but don't come crying to me when your kids get stolen. I almost forgot here's you present." He walks away and its just me and my present. I open it and it's a stuff Winnie the pooh toy. Oh hell no.

I trow the "present" in the trash and try to enjoy the rest of my wedding.

I walked back to Mitch and saw that he was on the dance floor twerking.

"Get it!!!" I yell.

"You married that." Tyler says laughing.

"Who wouldn't marry that."

" I guess your right, not every guy can twerk."

"Avi get up here." Mitch yells.

I roll my eyes and go up to my husband. I try to twerk but fail miserably. I laugh it of and just have fun. It came to the part were they slowed the song and that's when you dance with you mom. I look at Mitch and he looks at me back and just grabes me in and we dance the night away.

"You teaching me to dance came in handy."

"It really did." I say looking at his parents.

"If it makes you feel any better you can dance with my mom."


"Yea, let me go get her." I smile and wait for his mom. When she gets on the dance floor she smiles at me and holds me just like her son did. After we dance I go the bar and drink a little to get my mind off what Chester said. Never drink on your wedding day learned that the hard way. I try to stand up but end upfalling. I here Mitch yell something and then everything goes pitch black.

I don't know a lot about weddings so sorry if I messed up. Don't forget to comment and vote.Byesssss.


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