The Unseen

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My name is Cande, I live in California with my little sister Rachel, my best friend Mikaela, and her little sister Taylor. I'm sure that seems pretty normal to you but it's everything but. You see about four years ago a virus broke out. It was the cause of many people's deaths and it's the very cause of the existence we live in now. For those who the virus didn't kill it altered them in way that didn't make sense. It turned them into beasts that at one one time only existed in stories. Vampires, Werewolves, Kitsunes, shape shifters, skin walkers and countless other monsters were now very much alive and walking around. For the remaining humans left on earth it wasn't safe for them so they had no other chance but to leave. The government had found a safe near by planet for them, they said it would be only temporary but it's been years already. They're showing no sign of a cure or if they're even still looking for one. 

It's been hard for everyone and as much as i'd hate to admit it, it's hard for me as well. I don't like to show it though. I have my little sister to think about and I need to keep her safe. She's the only family I have on this planet and though she's a werewolf and could take care of herself. She's still very much a baby to me. Our parents, sister and her small family were those who had to leave us to be safe. When the virus happened all hell broke loose for humans. They were murdered in the street by ravenous vampires for their blood. Skin walkers were taking their identity by a single touch and performing crimes so they couldn't get caught. I remember hiding them in a room in our house and never sleeping just to make sure they were safe. Our house was broken into one night, by a vampire someone I knew. Someone I was very good friends with at one point and time. He was strong and a lot bigger than I was.  Talon, that was his name. He came charging in looking for the ones I loved most. To hurt them, to take them from me he didn't care that my niece was just a baby. All he wanted was the blood that ran through their veins. I couldn't have that happen. With that in the fight against him something happened and though he was twice my size and I was badly injured I somehow managed to kill him. I grabbed hold of his head and applied enough pressure to it until it finally popped like a pimple. Knowing the lure of the vampire I broke a leg off a wooden chair and stabbed him repeatedly in his chest just to be safe. That night when everyone was sleeping I played with the idea of killing my family. Not because I was a horrible evil person, but because I couldn't think of them to die any other way. I didn't want to think of what might happen to them if for some reason I wasn't around. How would they die? By a vampire like tonight? A werewolf? Anything else that lurks the streets? No.I pushed that thought to the back of my head never to let it come to mind again. I'll keep them safe no matter what it takes. 

The next morning a siren wailed through the air. Over and over again it wailed from the center of town calling all who heard it over there. "Knock, Knock, Knock" I felt a rush of adrenaline as I got up to open the door. It was a known feeling now, with me having to be ready for anything that came. A tall man dressed in black riot gear stood at the door. The big bulky mask covered his face making it so I couldn't see what he really was. "You have humans living here do you not?" He asked in monotone. The badge on his jacket showed that he worked for the government's agency of paranormal defense. You could describe them as cops, or even the military. They were all something. "Yes" I replied under my breath just low enough so nothing near by could hear. He nodded and turned "Follow me." As we walked I put my family between the large officer and myself,and rachel at the side. She may have been eleven but she was still a werewolf and could fight if needed. There were many groups lead by officers in the direction we were heading. In the crowd I caught sight of my best friend and her family. It's like Mikaela could sense it because at that very moment her head looked in my direction and she smiled. I looked away as fast as i could, she was now a vampire. The Lead officer went on about how it wasn't safe and everything and how these ships would be taking our loved ones to safety. The planet they were heading to Neverlus was going to have hourly patrols in space to make sure any paranormal that was harmful could never make it there. "Sir" a voice called to my dad and family to load them on a ship. I felt tears falling as they hesitated. They didn't want to go but it was the best for them . I turned to wipe my eyes, I didn't want them to see me crying. I needed to look strong to them to ensure them that Rachel and I would be just fine with out them. I hugged them all holding my niece for possibly the last time and kissing her on her head. "Take care, I want to see you again when this is cured.'" My mom whispered as she hugged me so tight that it hurt. I nodded not being able to speak without my voice cracking.  Rachel was crying non stop as they closed up the ship and my family stared back crying just as bad. 

As most of the ships floated away was when everything broke out. Violent paranormals took over the streets causing a riot. Scared that there was nothing left for them to eat with the humans now being gone. I grabbed on to Rachel pulling her back to the house as fast as i could. We were a block away from our home when a group of vampires circled us. It was the coven that Talon must have been a part of. "Run." I whispered to Rachel as they got closer. When the first one lunged I lunged back sending him flying back in to the wall that was a couple of feet behind him. With that they all started running after Rachel, knowing that by hurting her was the only thing that could cripple me. I ran along side them taking them out to keep them from getting anywhere near her. As she fumbled with the key two of them jumped on me knocking me down. I was unable to get up as one of them got closer and closer to her. She looked like a deer in head lights as he got on the patio where she was. A blur of black appeared in front of Rachel and ripped the head off of the vampire that just a Milli second ago was in front of her was now a bloody headless body. The form stayed with Rachel on the patio while another one was heading full speed at where I was. They ripped the two guys away and lifted me up. "The door!!" they called as we approached the door faster than anyone could possibly move. Once inside they laid me on the couch and started to examine my wounds. The other one barricaded the door and was now talking with Rach. "For as many vamps you took on back there Cande I thought your wounds would be much more severe than this." My eyes took focus and I realized that the ones who saved us were none other than Mikaela and her sister Taylor. "What are you Cande? You're fast and strong but you're not a vampire and your blood runs black. But you show no signs of shifting in to anything?" Mikaela thought out loud and she cleaned my wounds. "You're wounds are self healing as well." She furrowed her brow  , then smiled a toothy grin. "Honestly I have no Idea what I am Mikaela I just know I'm different." "Well whatever you are we're a team now and we're going to be just fine." 

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