Chapter 23

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My pillow seemed to be moving up and down, up and down. Always in the same rhythm, it was a steady and was somewhat soothing. Don't you dare move this is the best mattress ever! I mean who wouldn't want to literally sleep on Dean. Look at him, he's beyond gorgeous. Good god. "Captain Luna" Called a voice from where I couldn't see. "Captain Luna, if you have a moment you're needed." Oh Falcon you always know when to call me at the right time. After putting it off for a few minutes the falcon called for me again. "Captain Luna, you're needed if you have a moment your presence is requested." "Yeah, Yeah I heard you the first time." I mumbled pushing myself off of Dean. No! No I thought I told you not to move. Think of how comfortable you are lying on him. If you get up then they're going to know you're awake and expect you to be all professional. I told you, we should have never come back to the Falcon. Last night was a hard night for us. Not really but you know what I mean. Don't you dare move you bitch. "Where are you going?" A groggy Dean asked with closed eyes as he tightened his grip as I tried to get up. "The crew needs me." "I'm sure whatever it is they can handle it. I mean we're just flying, so unless the falcon is going down I'm sure everything is just fine. Now just stay with me." He tightened his grip pinning me down against him. "Dean, remember we are supposed to keep our relationship professional. Not let us get in way of our mission. So I need to go." I replied gently pushing off of him and planting a kiss on his forehead. "I'll be right there." He called as I left the room.

 You can always tell when people have been talking about you by the way they act when you come into the room. In this case my entire crew had been, I could tell by how quickly they all stopped talking when I entered the room. Without even needing to know what they were talking about I knew just by the way they were acting. What also gave it away was the fact that Mark was no where to be found. "So uh Captain, Chris and your sisters are going to be sending out a transmission to speak with you." "Thank you Talya, and you don't have to always call me captain please call me Cande." "Okay Cap, Cande." She smiled and turned but her smile was different than it had been before. This time it appeared as it were forced. She knows about you and Dean. and she's pissed about it. She knows she'll never get the D. Good because well just because.

The good thing about the falcon was the transmissions weren't simple one dimensional video, it was fully capable of hosting full sized holograms. Just like she had said a hologram of Ava appeared smiling with her wild hair and glowing violet eyes. "No get back you. The point of this isn't for Cande to see you it's so she can see her sisters. You'll get your turn later now get over here you naughty baby!" Layla picked up her baby holding her away from herself to avoid getting hit by Ava's tiny fists. "Oh my god look at her I bet you can't wait to have babies can you Cande?" Mikaela teased taking a seat right by me. "Are you okay?" was the first thing out of Rachel's mouth. "Yes of course i'm fine. Actually our first stop was pretty boring, nothing exciting at all. I'm pretty sure that's how the entirety of the mission is going to go. So don't you worry about me." Yup nothing exciting going on here at all. Nope didn't get attacked by a pack of werewolves, or experience a pod with it's own thoughts. Nope and definitely did not watch a pod explode with one of the cures that have been developed. By Chris' face I knew Landon or Bella had to have mentioned something to him. Even when I was able to convince everyone that everything is and was fine Chris knew different.

 At that very moment Chris and Rachel exchanged a look. Like they wanted to say something but were holding back. "Oh my god calm your demons child! Fine go, go try and touch her. She's just a hologram Ava like your dolphin friends. She's not real you know that, you know she's not coming home for a while. But by all means go and try." Layla released her baby, who before getting too far away turned and raised her middle finger all so delicately and continued to run. I had to restrain myself from reaching out to pick her up, it just seemed so real. But Layla was right it wasn't real. They were in California and well I was on my way to Sydney. "I mees ooo." She said smiling wider than she had before showing off the new couple of teeth she now had. That's what she was so excited about since the transmission had begun. "I miss you too ms. ava, i'll be home soon though." She smiled and ran off in the other direction with her arms in the air. "Cande we need to talk. Go to your cabin and we'll continue this in there, for privacy reasons." Chis darted his eyes around the looking at the crew. 

 I perched transmitter on the wall so it would now display the holograms at the foot of my bed. "Hey" Dean mumbled as I pulled the blanket over his head so he would be hidden from Chris' and Rachel's eyes. "So Rachel didn't know how to say this. So i'm going to pitch it to you for her. She wants to stop going to her regular school and wants to enlist in the agencies academy. She wants to be trained like how you were and when she's of age, enlist to work for it. She wants to follow in your foot steps." I sat there not saying anything , I couldn't. This was the one thing I never wanted to do. I felt my stomach drop as it all sank in. I would never want her to see and do everything I had experienced while working for the agency. All of the horrible, horrible things I had seen, one of the main reasons I had resigned. She wouldn't be able to handle seeing people get mauled by pods, children dying and everything in between. Remain calm. Don't let your emotions get in the way of how you're going to react. It's only normal that you want to protect her, hell I don't want her to be like you at all. Think about it, deep down you're a mess. You only want the best for her. So just remain calm and everything will be just fine.

 "No." I finally replied trying to sound as cool and calm as it was possible at the time considering what I had just been told. "What?" Rachel retorted sounding hurt. "Rach, I just can't have you doing something as reckless as that. You know what I've had to deal with and honestly it's not for you." The look on her face was as if I had just reached into her chest and ripped her heart out. She looked so hurt and I was the reason for her to look that way. If anyone else had been the cause of her expression I would have ripped their lungs out without a second thought. I would hurt them bad enough until they looked like her, in such a pain there were no words for it. "Why because you want to be the only hero? You want all of the glory, so people worship you and no one else. I can fight you know that Cande, you helped train me. I learned from the best so like you always say you have nothing to worry about. Now stop treating me like a fucking child and treat me like an adult already. I'm going to join whether you want me to or not." She stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes with only Chris left staring at me.

 "You know she's right Cande. About being a good fighter you did train her after all. She's not a child anymore, not the little girl you had to protect with your life a few years back. She is fully capable of taking care of herself. She shows the same traits you do so you should be proud as to how she is. She's a direct reflection of you. So considering her to enlist should be taken." I blinked back the flow of tears building in my eyes as the first one had already fallen. "No Chris. I don't want her to be anything like me. I want to stop that from happening, i'm not a good person to be like, you know that better than anyone.You know for damn sure what I have done in the past. I don't want that for her. Now if you even mention the academy to her once more I will personally go over  there and take her from you. I need to protect her." Without saying another word Chris nodded his head and ended the transmission with out saying another word.

 There was a sudden shuffling coming from behind me followed by two arms. The conversation I had woke up Dean from his sleep. "I would ask if you were okay but that would be a pretty fucking stupid question. Honestly I don't want you to slap me. So I'm just going to hold you, not say anything because I know there's nothing to say. I just want to make sure that you know i'm here for you.No matter how sad and hopeless you feel, and if everyone you love abandons you. I'll always be here for you, to worry and love you, to look after you. I'll be the one to scold you when you pull one of your stupid stunts.  I'll be here until the very end for you, so don't you worry.  That's all." He pulled his arms tighter around me, pulling me right against his chest and kissed me on my head. Gently wiping away another tear that had betrayed me by rolling down. For once I didn't know how to fix the mess I had made.

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