Chapter 35

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For the first time since the whole mission had started I lied on my own bed. Just to be alone with my thoughts, even though it wasn't exactly something I wanted to do. My mind kept comparing Dean and Adrian. Dean was, sweet, caring, he protected the girls as if they were his own, and he was loyal. Those were his pros. His cons were how clingy he could be, how protective he was over me, but there was nothing I could do to change them. They were the traits of him being a werewolf so I guess being a werewolf would be considered a con? Adrian was just as sweet as Dean, Caring, smart, and protective. His cons were his wandering eye he got when he saw someone attractive. His attention span of a five year old when he wasn't doing something work related, and of course his looks. Not that they were really a flaw but in this case they were. He got looks and attention from everyone in the room that he was in. So I guess Dean's looks would be considered one of his cons as well. I needed help figuring my shit out but there was no one I could really talk to. I couldn't tell Mika, she would end up forgetting about it being a secret and end up telling Aiden or worse, Dean. I couldn't tell Layla about it either.

"You know for being gone for a month I thought you would want to be around the people you haven't seen. Not here hiding in your room by yourself." The bed on my right side went down to the weight of the figure lying down. I didn't say anything, I just flipped over to my other side. I really didn't want to deal with Dean right now. "Hey what's wrong? I haven't seen you in a month. You're acting like you don't want me around. Did you not want to get back together, because if you didn't i'll back off. Just tell me if I did anything wrong and I'll fix it." Don't you dare let the guilt get to you. Don't you dare tell Dean about Adrian. I told you not to. Just ignore that feeling in your gut, it'll go away eventually. He doesn't even think you did something. He thinks it's him so just let him think that. It'll work have I ever give you reason to not trust me before? "No Dean you didn't do anything so stop blaming yourself. It's me, back in Tokyo. Well Adrian he uh, he kissed me before I left. I didn't want him to but I didn't try to stop him either. We weren't together but I still feel bad. I should have told you earlier, I'm sorry." I felt the weight from the right lift off of the bed. See what you have done.You have upset him. I told you you should have just kept your fat face shut. He was perfectly fine not knowing. But no you decide to not listen to me again and be a fucking saint. When did you become one? I closed my eyes trying not to think of how Dean's face looked when I told him. Yeah I didn't see him but I could still Imagine it in my mind. The weight came in front of me. "That's what has been bothering you? The idea of you kissing Adrian? Well since you're being open and honest the same thing happened to me while you were gone. Adrian didn't kiss me but Talya did, she claimed it was to comfort me. I swear to you though that's all that happened. I was planning on telling you eventually."  Eventually? Eventually?! When exactly is eventually. I told you Talya was bad news, come on lets go find her. We can take her. We'll rip her lungs out. Don't get mad at Dean for it though. You did the same thing just with someone much sexier though. Make him get a scan just to be safe. We don't want him if she sweat all over him.  I didn't say anything because the voice was right. I did do the same thing and honestly if the guilt didn't get to me I probably wouldn't have told him. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asked scooting closer to me on the bed. "No" I replied resting my head on his chest. I liked listening to him breathe and hearing his funny heart beat. It beat faster than It should. We're half way there just keep going and then it's get him scanned. Then if he comes back clean well you know. It's been a month. You're killing me woman!  "You know it has been a month or so since I've been with you. That's a long time for both me and you. We're already here in the bed so.." I looked up at him to see him smiling and raising an eyebrow. Don't give in without the scan. "I'm not saying that I don't trust you, but would you be totally opposed to getting a DNA scan. I believe you didn't do anything other than kiss Talya. But it's just a precautionary measure." "I'll do it as long as you will let me scan you as well. I mean I trust you too but I don't know who this Adrian is and whatnot." I nodded knowing that I had nothing to hide. I mean unless my subconscious took over and my voice controlled it while I was in Tokyo. Good god that was a terrifying thought. She would be out of control to say the least. 

Like I had promised I stood in front of Dean as he held the DNA scanner in front of me. The purpose of it was to make sure that the person being scanned didn't do anything with anyone other than their partner. It could pick up traces of the other person if the partner wasn't faithful. Which when you think about it is pretty disgusting. This little invention was pretty much the cause of many relationships but this was not what it was meant for. Originally it was meant to look for life forms on other planets which it is still used for. "You're clean, I'm not surprised." Dean said handing over the scanner and held out his arms. Oh yes I'm going to very much enjoy this. You should have made him take his shirt off. There would be no point other than just being able to look at him. Oh and you get to scan his man part. Oh yes this is going to be very enjoyable. ;) Ignoring my voice and her beyond perverted ways I waved the scanner over Dean. He failed to hide the smile as I held the scanner in front of the area my voice had been looking forward to. "Really?" I asked letting him know I knew he was just as big of a pervert as my voice. "What? I mean if you really want to check me I can always take my pants off. Or you can adjust it to make it easier for you. I'm just thinking of what would work best for you Cande. You're the one that turned it dirty." He finished his statement by winking. "Dean." I mumbled moving the scanner away quickly. "You're clean Dean." I replied standing up and in front of him now. He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. "So like I was saying I haven't seen you in a very long time...."

(Insert George Takei here saying Oh myy)

Down stairs Rachel, Taylor, Eleon, and Sam sat on the couch dangerously close to each other. Really they don't need to sit that close. I mean we have other lovely seats available the boys can chose from. As soon as they saw Dean and I step out from my room Rachel turned fifty shades of pink. "Where have you guys been? My hair was short when Dean went in you room Cande. You guys have been in there pretty much all day. Look at my hair now, it's to my waist." Taylor held out her hair as if she were making a point. "Taylor!" Mikaela shot from the kitchen. "Oh my god you guys are too much. Hey." I meant for the boys but the four of them looked up from the couch. I pointed to my eyes then to them. Making sure that I was watching them, always watching. "Calm down mama bear your cubs are going to be just fine." Dean whispered in my ear, his lips brushing my ear. I could feel shivers go up my back. I had not even realized how much I had missed him until I was with him again. "I'm just getting my bar tending stuff together Cande. We're going to get the girls drunk like last time. The boys won't be here for that part. God forbid that they look at one of the girls wrong when they're drunk. There would be no pulling you off of them and I am not going to be the one that gets caught in the middle of you and your wrath. I've said it once and i'll say it again. I am going to feel so bad for your children when you decide to have them. Their father is going to be a werewolf and their mother is going to be an immortal. They are going to be the most protected babies ever!" Mikaela laughed as she sorted out the glasses. 

As she had said the girls were disgustingly drunk. I know we shouldn't let them drink since they are not of age and what not. But they were such good entertainment for us. I watched as Rachel and Taylor once again danced but this time it wasn't the Russian dance they had done before. It looked as if it were some sort of  interpretive dance or something. The girls were walking around flailing their arms as they danced. The only way I knew for sure that it was in deed a dance was because they kept insisting it was. If they hadn't I would have thought they were having some sort of attack or something.  "Do you remember getting that drunk? She acts exactly like you do when you're drunk, drunk. The only difference is Rach doesn't declare her love for babies and how she wants one."  Thinking of rachel being like me was the worst thing possible. Save her! Save her while you still can. Take her away from this life and send her to a nun school. She's already half way to being like you. The drinking, the handsome boyfriend. Save the child!! Once they girls passed out on their own it marked the end of the night. "I'll stay out here with them. Aiden is already passed out on the couch and there is no moving him. Besides I've been with him this whole time and you've been gone for a month. So go and enjoy Dean's company." She winked as she fixed the blankets to set up as a bed on the floor. In my room Dean was on the bed resting his eyes. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" He asked barely opening them. "I have to talk with Chris and everything, why?"  "Because after you're done I'm taking you out on a date. A real date not to my parent's house or to a coffee shop but to an actual restaurant.  A fancy one, I want to talk with you about stuff. But as for now I have other stuff I'd like to take care of with you." 


we're in the final five chapters of the story!! Also if you have  a favourite character let me know and I'll try to work them in the final chapters more. 

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