Chapter 24

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The flight to Sydney was a little better than how Alaska was. It was a long one but, Mark had chosen to stay away from Dean and I for the most part. He spent most of his time in the medical bay of the ship claiming he was working on something. Yet when anyone asked what exactly he was working on he would quickly change the subject. My guess was he was doing nothing at all and he had found a way to kill time.  Look what you've done. You broke his poor perverted love crazed drugged heart. He's good looking try introducing him to Oh I don't know Talya. I mean she doesn't want him but they'll do I suppose. I think he'd prefer an actual girl instead of his hand. I don't know what Talya does but she must know she stands no chance with Dean. I'm pretty sure she has heard us at some point if you know what I mean. ;o To keep from falling asleep I decided I was going to the medical bay. Dean's eyes never left as I walked from my seat and in that direction. There Mark just stood looking into some sort of microscope and every now and again writing something down. "What are you doing?" I finally broke the silence and letting him know that i was in the room. He just raised his eyes from what he was doing and said nothing. Just looked right back down and continued doing what he was. "Listen I'm sorry that you're upset, and I'm sorry I'm the reason but Mark. Mark I'm with Dean and I love him. You know that and if I knew back then that allowing you to come with us was going to upset you this bad I would have never let you come in the first place. Deep, deep down somewhere you know that what you feel for me isn't real. It's just a reaction of whatever you took back then. That's what makes you think you love me, you drugged yourself for reasons I don't know. You must know by now that what you feel isn't real, It's not. You know I would have never hurt you like this, so please just say something." I sat right to the side of him on the table where whatever he was working on was. He moved the microscope to aside and looked at me, his big eyes wide and sad. "I know it's not real, I've known. And honestly I could reverse what I did to myself to go back to normal. I just haven't I don't want to. Because before I did this I did in fact love you, I just wanted to intensify it. Seeing you with Dean just makes the feeling even worse. I can tell by just looking at you two that what you have is real, and when it's real it's real and there is nothing in my power I can do to change it. I want to but I can't. All I can do is hope that you guys will fall a part and when you do I'll be here waiting." I had never felt such a hate towards someone in the way I felt towards Mark right now. "You're vitals are off. You're beyond pissed at me. I can hear your heart pounding in your chest, you might want to calm down though." I didn't waste my breath talking to Mark anymore, it would just be a waste of time. 

"Captain we're going to have to submerge shall I activate the shields? You know sirens run rabid in the seas and the HQ is located under water. So it would be the best course of action." "Yes Falcon activate the shields if any of them come too close, feel free to shock them to your hearts content." Silence filled the room to my response but the humming of the shields as the Falcon submerged into the ocean. "Are you okay?" Dean asked sitting in his seat right by me. "I'm fine." "What did he tell you? I knew it was a bad idea for you to go and talk to him. I'm going to go take care of him." Dean stood up looking over at Aiden to follow. "No just let it go. He's an idiot and you know that. With my luck if you go over he'll end up drugging you somehow. I can't have that happen, I need you to stay right here with me." I reached over grabbing his hand and pulled him down. That's right use your charm on him. He can't resist you when you do. Charm him right into your cabin. It'll be like you're doing it just to spite Mark. Or better yet go and take Dean into the medical bay. That would be great, Mark may hate you forever but i'll be great. Not to mention it'll get that creepy bastard to finally leave you alone! The voice was right, Dean actually listened for once and sat down resting his hand on my thigh. 

The mermaids here could be compared to the werewolves we had encountered back in Alaska. They weren't like Layla, Ava and the rest of the mermaids in the tank. No, they were like the werewolves and had lost their humanity as time went by. They were no longer to go on land but had to spend their lives solely in the water. Their skin was wrinkled and pale, their eyes were wide and ranged in many different colors. A majority had black, in a way they resembled pods and god forbid they find food for they behaved as pods did. If the shields hadn't been up their singing would be too much of a distraction for the males on board. They would be tempted to go out into the water after the mermaids where the mermaids would drag them down into the depths and then proceed to strip the flesh from the bodies and feed on them. Push Mark out into the ocean. Yeah it'll be a horrible way to go but it's better than having a depressed pervert under your command. It'll work, just radio into Chris that Mark has met an unfortunate end. And maybe even cry, you know you can make yourself do it. Just make it believable. I got up from my seat and looked out of the big window into the blackness of the ocean. Without warning a mermaid swam right up in front and stared in. It was obvious that she had been scanning the area in search of males on board. Her eyes fell on Dean who was now standing behind me, eyes fixed on the siren that swam right in front of us. She stretched her arms out moving them in hypnotic way as she began to sing. More swam to where she was and began to make the same motions as she was. They were disturbing to look at, their wrinkled pale skin and huge eyes staring in. The one who was the first to start became frustrated as Dean or any of the guys showed   no interest in her whatsoever. 

She reared back and slammed herself against the window revealing all of her teeth. Oh no this gorgeous man is mine as are all the ones on board. You have teeth so do I. So come at me bitch! The little voice pulled her lips back and snapped her teeth in a furious manner. She looked crazed to as if she were possessed by an unknown force. Who knows maybe the sirens were having an effect on her. The humming noise got louder as a ray of light emitted from the outside of the falcon, shocking and burning the mermaids. It also temporarily blinded them as they weren't used to that sort of light or light in general.  They must have not fed in quite some time because the light shot out a couple of times before they sped away never looking back. "Captain there is excess weight on the bottom of the ship. My sensors indicate that a siren is trying to claw her way through. How would you like me to deal with this situation?" Since the Falcon picked up on the mermaid it must have not considered it to be an immediate threat. I mean there was nothing really that she could do to the ship, her skin would likely peel back with the more she clawed at it. "Helena how's my ship, is the mermaid damaging her?" "No Cande, but I have developed these torpedoes meant to be fired under water. May I test it out on her?" The tone of Helena's voice gave me the image of an eager child wanting candy. Or like Ava when she got that chocolate and was just so happy and somewhat out of control. "Go for it." I replied, I didn't need to say anything more to her. In a matter of seconds something flew out from under the falcon and exploded  a couple of feet in front. It was an explosion of white letting out a strobe sequence and then when it was done all that was left was the tint of red in the water. "Pretty cool right?" "Yes Helena good work." 

"Captain the waters are no where near fit for you to get into. The water has toxins in it that will burn your skin off. Getting into the HQ is going to be hard, how do you want to get inside?" For being a highly advanced ship the Falcon should be able to figure it out itself. But apparently it had some sort of confidence problem. "Back the escape hatch to the entrance of the HQ I'll alert them that we're here. I'll be in the water for literally five seconds if that, it'll be okay." "Confirmed, near the hatch is a wet suit for you, to protect your skin as well hide your sent from anything you may attract in the water." Dean shook his head no as I walked to the hatch. "What are you doing? I'm sure the falcon can fit in the entrance. You're not really going to get  in the water are you? Do you understand how incredibly stupid that is? And I say that with all the love in my heart for you, but Cande that has got to be one of the most idiotic things you have said." Dean wasn't upset  to say but he was more scared. "Dean, I'll be fine and I'm going alone so i'm not putting anyone in risk. You'll be in the falcon and if things go bad you're going to leave. Not do what you did in Alaska." "You're not going alone, i'm going with you." Aiden stepped out of the shadows fully suited up in the wet suit. Sweet mother of baby Jesus thank god. Holy hell, oh my fucking god look at his muscles! Unf look at his body he is so defined and the suit does not hide anything at all. Sweet lord have mercy he has the most amazing everything. If things don't work out I demand you go after Aiden. I need to touch him. "Yeah speaking of dumb ideas Aiden there is no way I'm letting you come with me. You're a male Oh yes he is. There's no question with that. It's too risky, the mermaids will have no interest in me. Unless they fancy other females in that way but I have never come across one that does. So I need you guys to stay put. I'm not risking anyone else doing this." I pulled on the helmet to conceal my face as it would be crucial if I didn't want to be affected by the acidic water. "Cande Luna don't be so stubborn and let my Aiden go with you. Naturally I would be right by your side but seeing that Aiden beat me to it, you're going to be stuck with him. He's big Oh you're right about that Mikaela so if you get into any trouble he can get you out. So please for not only myself and Dean but for the whole crew let Aiden go with you." As much as I was against it, I had no other choice. "Fine" I huffed in defeat handing Aiden a helmet. Dean removed my helmet and gently kissed me and then put it back on. Hitting the top to ensure in was on all the way. "Let me know as soon as you get in and not a second later." I nodded my head and got in position to swim out with Aiden at my side.

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