Chapter 39

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I ran as fast as I possibly could back to where the Falcon would be waiting for me. Killing anything that stood in my way. The only good thing about Moscow being so insanely infected was I didn't have to be worried about whose head I was cutting off. They were just pods and at one point in their lives they were someones family. Mother, father, brother, sister you get the point. But not anymore, they were everything but that. The screaming of the pods had no affect on me as I made my way through the herd. All I was concerned with was getting back to the Falcon for no other reason then to make sure Rachel was okay. She was all I cared about, she was the only family I really had. I felt my heart drop as I thought of what could be. If anything happened to her, to anyone I would go mad. There was a clearing between the Falcon and the pods which was odd. Earlier they were all over and now they were staying away from the ship. "Mikaela, Dean, Aiden come in." I yelled meant for them to hear me through my ear piece. No response though, something was wrong. As the Falcon came more in view I could see why there was no response. 

Outside all of my crew was lined up side by side. Pods stood at both ends, my eyes fell on to the figure that stepped out from the Falcon. "So nice of you to join us Cande. Nice to see that not only is my army going to slain your crew but I get the personal pleasure of taking down their captain. Now I think I'll do that first before the rest of them get brutally murdered. It is such a shame though, to get rid of such a fine captain such as your self. You're very caring but that is a very big flaw of yours. You're too attached with your emotions. Separate yourself from them like how I have, it will make this much easier. Don't try to be a hero." Koda warned looking over at my crew who stood there silently. Before I could stop it or even move out of the way he released a blow to the side of my head. I could hear the blood pumping in my head, I could feel the throbbing in my ears. He was much stronger than I was expecting. My eyes blurred as I tried to see where he had gone, he was nowhere to be seen though. It was the snapping of bones in my back that let me know exactly where he was. "Just give up Cande you're no match for me. You may be Immortal but your abilities are nothing." Again he released a blow to the other side of my head; this time though along with the throbbing and thumping a snap followed. I brought me to my knees. His knee flew up and nailed me on my chin, knocking me to my back. He was right, I was no match for him, I was not going to be able  to stop him from killing everyone I love most. He was just too fast for me, he must have other blood in his veins. I felt pressure apply to my chest from his foot. "Tell me Cande, what do you cherish most. Let me be the one that takes it away from you." 

I coughed letting out a pile of black blood on his boot. That's what I needed to use against him, the idea of him harming my family was enough for me to get out from under his weight. I grabbed a hold of his leg and twisted it as far as it possibly could without ripping off. This brought him down to the ground where I was. "You're wrong Koda, my attachment to my emotions don't make me weak. They make me stronger than you could ever be. There isn't anyone I don't cherish." I tightened my grip on his badly twisted leg and  began to pull it off. "Now you idiots!" He cried to the pods that were by the falcon. Like that they began attacking my crew. "No!" I cried, a rumbling came from down below the ground and sent them flying away. "You, what have you done?!" I opened my eyes to see them dangling from the trees and some lying on the ground not moving. More came running from the darkness and right for the crew again. I watched as it looked as if Mikaela were dancing as she fought. As graceful as she was and somehow stayed out of the way of danger when one was getting ready to attack. Everyone was doing just fine and Rachel and Taylor were nowhere to be seen. "Let's take a look at that funny little heart you have shall we?" Koda pushed his hand against my chest and broke the skin. I heard the bones begin to break as he made his way inside. Finally I could feel his hand grip around my heart. The pain was too much to handle but I could not move. Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn off your emotions, it'll take away this pain. He'll stop once you stop giving him the reaction he wants. He wants to know that he's hurting you, just turn off your emotions! Make it stop! The little voice pleaded grabbing her chest and falling to the ground.

I felt nothing, nothing at all. Koda had his hand deep in my chest I knew this because I could see it.  I could also see the puddle of my black blood splattered on the ground. Yet I felt nothing it did not hurt at all. I had successfully turned off my emotions. I looked down at Koda's arm in my chest and up at him and smiled. "You didn't." He gasped jerking his arm deeper into my chest waiting for the reaction he so desperately wanted. "Oh I did." I replied grabbing on to his arm and pulling it out. As soon as it was out I did not let go, instead I spun around him bending his arm back as far as it would go. "You know I lost my arm because of you. It only seems fair that you lose yours as well." Tightening my grip I pulled it off. There was a loud disgusting tearing noise as his shoulder came free from the socket. I held his arm out to him "You should really turn your emotions off Koda. Maybe just maybe you would be somewhat of a match for me. You're too attached to them. That is going to cripple you." I pretty much repeated the same thing he had told me. By the look of fear as he realized that his trained pods were no more he stepped back. Reaching out for his arm I held it out to him then quickly withdrew it and threw it to the herd of pods that had been watching the whole thing. Like a wild pack of Animals they attached the arm covered in black blood, fighting the weaker ones off. The screams they were letting out were deafening. "Let's take a look at your heart." Instead of going slowly, painfully like he had I punched through his chest breaking all the bones I could. I could feel his heart speed up as my hand got closer and closer. "Cande please." He begged using the little bit of strength he had to try and push my hand out. "Please don't do this." 

He may have well have been talking to himself because his plea had no affect on me. Instead of releasing his heart I tightened my grip. His back arched in pain which only made me slightly move his heart out of place. "You're a monster." He cried frantically trying to get me away. "Cande, Cande it's over. Just let it go, we'll take him back to HQ with us and they'll deal with him. You don't have to, you're not like this. Come on it's okay." Dean gently put his hands on my shoulders. "No Dean I have to. He threatened my family, he has to endure great pain for that." I twisted my arm in his chest causing him to jerk forward once more. Yes, I understand but what you're doing is like him, you don't want to be like him. You're much better than that. I know you are now just relax." In disgust I ripped my arm out of Koda's chest and I felt. I didn't turn my emotions back on by myself, Dean is what made it happen. I was so far gone and didn't think I was going to be able to. "Now we'll load him up in the falcon and take him back. Like I said we'll let Chris deal with him when we get home." "No" I replied looking from Dean to Koda who was lying there motionless on the ground. "Leave him for the pods." I began to walk away leaving Dean before he caught up to me. "Cande he can't die, what is that going to accopmlish?" "Aboslutely nothing Dean but I am not having him on the falcon where my family is. Who knows what he is going to try. Besides do you really think he's going be able to regenerate fast enough to get away from the pods? They are just going to keep tearing him apart. We'll alert the nearest HQ to his location." Dean nodded as he entered the Falcon. "You're making a huge mistake Cande! A war is going to start and you're going to be in the middle of it!" Koda cried.

"You my dear friend are a little beast when you turn your emotions off. Like really you are just ruthless. Remind me to never piss you off." Aiden teased as he got looked over by Mikaela. "She's a killer." Mika laughed and winked. "Rach?" I called in the cabin she had been. From the corner of the room I heard something shuffling and out she came from a fort of clothes she had made. "You're back!" She exclaimed running up to me in a hug then quickly up to the figure behind me. "You shouldn't doubt your sister Rach." Dean ruffled her hair and kissed her head. Rachel tried to get away without anyone seeing her pink cheeks. "Give me a minute to talk to your sister." She bounded out of the room and off to where ever Taylor had been hiding. "You, you are something else with no emotions. Honestly it is scary, and i'm not just saying that. Every bit of humanity that you have leaves you." I nodded "It scares me too Dean." I leaned back and closed my eyes on the bed, as he did the same. "So no what?" "We have to go and talk to Chris, let him know what happened. Then take a break from all the craziness." I scooted closer to him and wedged under his arm. "Good a break I like the sound of that. We'll have time for just us, not having to worry about anything. Get your rest love, you've been through a lot today. You need your energy, I'll wake you when we get back home.


This isn't the end......

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